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Age 49
Joined Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 510
released in the wild 0 237
controlled releases 0 0
releases caught 0 74
controlled releases caught 0 0
books found 0 243
tell-a-friend referrals 0 315
new member referrals 0 11
forum posts 0 1,123
Extended Profile


A majority by definition, society thinks of itself as having other options than reading verses
― Joseph Brodsky

A reader, poet and translator, I love literature and grab a book whenever & wherever I can.

I most often read in my native Finnish, but also in English, Spanish, Swedish, and French; less in Hebrew, German, and some other languages (but it happens). Originals and translations. Poetry, prose, drama, comics, non-fiction. Genres aside, I'm sold on subtle twists of humor. And hey—I'm always willing to explore.

Bookcrossing continues to introduce me to genres and authors outside my usual scope. My BC bookshelf does not necessarily reflect my tastes: I often register and release books with the intention of having someone else enjoy them more than I did.

Reading and writing book reviews is my guilty pleasure, and journal entries are by far my favorite feature on I have no demands concerning the books I've passed on, but I would tremendously like to see them journaled with a bit of personality!

I like to keep track of what I read. I won't be making any specific literary resolutions for 2024, but I hope to be yet more diverse and less predictable in my reading, and to enjoy as many Wish List books as I can. I will be participating in the HelMet Reading Challenge 2024 and, as always, hope to make beautiful discoveries.

My Wish List consists of out-of-print books, new publications that haven't come my way yet, areas of special interest, as well as long-lost childhood favorites. I update my list regularly and wish to hug all the wonderful people who have fulfilled my wishes either via book swapping or RABCKing.

The Tampere BCers meet fortnightly. For meetup dates, any changes in the schedule, or other important notices, please see the Finnish Forum.


Catch Rate of My True Wild Releases: < 29%
Wild Books I Have Found: 70
Countries to Which I've Sent BC Books: Austria, Belarus, Canada, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Switzerland, UK, USA
Countries from Which I've Received BC Books: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Switzerland, UK, USA
Countries in Which I've Wild Released BC Books: Finland, Estonia, Italy, Russia, USA

Recent reading/release challenges:
I participated in Annimanni's Around the World reading challenge (closed Dec 31, 2019)
I participated in toukokuu's Saksa-haaste challenge for reading German literature (closed Oct 12, 2019)
I participated in Peonio's Ota riski — rakastu suomenruotsalaiseen challenge for reading Finland-Swedish literature (closed Nov 06, 2019)
I participated in Tarna's Yksi kuva kertoo enemmän... photography/release challenge (closed Oct 20, 2019)
I participated in Annimanni's virolainen lukuhaaste for reading Estonian literature (closed Dec 31, 2018)
I participated in toukokuu's Ranska-haaste for reading & releasing French literature (closed May 13, 2018 )
I participated in Lii5a's Ahmimishaaste reading challenge (closed May 9, 2018)
I participated in sakirmo's Countries of the World reading challenge (closed Apr 30, 2018)
I participated in Kesis's outdoor release challenge (closed Oct 30, 2017)
I participated in Paberiliim's LaNu challenge for children's literature (closed September 30, 2013)
I participated in erpax's I have never... challenge (closed September 1, 2013)
I participated in Lii5a's language challenge (closed April 2, 2013).

Reading/releasing/writing challenges organized by me:
Alastalon salissa, a challenge for reading the novel Alastalon salissa by Volter Kilpi (closed Dec 31, 2018)
Ei omena kauas puusta putoa, vai Pojasta polvi paranee, a writing challenge (closed Jan 14, 2019)
Nojatuolimatka for reading and journaling travel literature (closed July 4, 2018)
Oikeita käsiä ja vähän vasempiakin (closed May 31, 2013)


The HelMet (short for Helsinki Metropolitan Area Libraries) annually challenges its patrons to participate in a year-long reading project. The challenge will consist of a collection of 50 topics or criteria for choosing your reading to broaden your worldview, inspire, and surprise; to read more and differently.

*) signifies re-reading

1. A book with a proper noun in the title
Neruda, Pablo, Canción de gesta. Las piedras de Chile [a library book] Spanish

2. A book in which someone uses magic
Emily the Strange 2, kadonnut numero [a gift from a friend] Finnish

3. A book that has won the Booker or Pulitzer prize

4. A book that features a president

5. A book whose author’s initials are not part of your name

6. A book set in the 1920s
Peterkin, Julia, Black April [online] English

7. A book in which someone falls in love
Neruda, Pablo, Tus pies toco en la sombra y otros poemas inéditos [a library book] Spanish

8. A book with a family member in the title

9. A book in which someone runs away
Christie, Agatha, Tercera muchacha [from a book-swap shelf] Spanish

10. The tenth book that you read this year
Shaw, Bernard, Ei sitä koskaan voi tietää [online] Finnish

11. A book with one of the four elements (air, water, earth or fire) on the cover or in the title
De Mello, Anthony, Ilma jota hengität [a library book] Finnish

12. A children's poetry book

13. A book set in a closed or enclosed space

14. A book in which someone engages in a hobby
Murakami, Haruki, First Person Singular [from a book-swap shelf] English

15. A book with at least three authors or illustrators

16. A book with photographs
Sutinen, Ville-Juhani, Kymmenen kuvaa Pietarista [a library book] Finnish

17. A book with an annoying character
Castellanos, Rosario, Álbum de familia [received from a friend] Spanish

18. A book with jewellery on the cover or in the title
Eco, Umberto (ed.), On Beauty [online] English

19. A book in which Finland is mentioned
Sánchez Torres, Mónica, In the Eye of the Beholder. Processing, Use, and Attitudes Towards (Non-)Sexist Language in a Second Language [online] English

20. A book published by a small publishing company
Ruffato, Luiz, Lissabonissa muistin sinut [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish

21. A book that has been adapted into a TV series

22. A book recommended by an author

23. A Finnish detective novel or thriller

24. A book set in a capital city
Statovci, Pajtim, Mon chat Yugoslavia [a library book] French

25. A book involving the celebration of a holiday (such as Christmas or Midsummer)
Ferber, Edna, Fanny Herself [online] English

26. A book with the word ‘book’ in the title
Müürsepp, Mare & Anne Uusen, Sügis. Esimene kooliraamat [from a book-swap shelf] Estonian

27. A book about rebuilding
Guillén, Nicolás, Sóngoro cosongo [online] Spanish

28. A book by an author from a Mediterranean country
Flavius Josephus, The Antiquities of The Jews [online] English

29. A book in which someone tells lies
The Life of Lazarillo of Tormes, His Fortunes And Misfortunes As Told By Himself [online] English

30. A book without named or numbered chapters
Hergé, Tintin and Alph-Art [online] English

31. A book that features a disabled person

32. A book originally written in a language that has no more than 10 million speakers
Virvatuli, Annikki, Kaarilan tytöt [online] Finnish

33. A book in which someone moves to the countryside

34. A book with an order or suggestion in the title

35. A book in which someone spends time in nature
Varpio, Yrjö, Matkalla moderniin Suomeen [a library book] Finnish

36. A book written by an immigrant

37. A book that elicits strong emotions
Copeland, Kenneth, Freedom from Fear [online] English

38. A book with a hand or hands on the cover or in the title
Bukowski, Charles, 234 runoa [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish

39. A book that features a bisexual or pansexual person

40. A book in which the weather is very cold or hot
Myths and Legends of Hawai'i [from a book-swap shelf] English

41. A book in which a child is born
Anton de Olmet, Casilda de, Cancionero de mi tierra [online] Spanish

42. A book with a subtitle
Liehu, Heidi, Ihana Kristus. Esseitä [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish

43. A book that does not have a main character

44. A non-fiction book written by a woman
Folguera, Pilar (ed.), El Feminismo en España. Dos siglos de historia [online] Spanish

45. A book in which people play games
Huidobro, Vicente, Altazor o El viaje en paracaidas. Poema en VII cantos [received from a friend] Spanish

46. A book with a predominantly black cover or a title with the word ‘black’ in it

47.-48. Two books translated by the same translator
Neruda, Pablo, 20 rakkausrunoa ja epätoivon laulu: transl. Jusu Annala [online] Finnish
Joyce, James, Giacomo Joyce: transl. Jusu Annala [online] Finnish

49. A book published in 2024

50. A book recommended by a library employee
Whitehead, Colson, Crook Manifesto [a library book] English

[70 books to date]

*) signifies re-reading; **) signifies a bookcrossing book

Anton de Olmet, Casilda de, Cancionero de mi tierra
Arcipreste de Hita, El libro de buen amor
Bukowski, Charles, 234 runoa
Castagnetti González, Gianpaolo, La ficción sonora y el poder de la creación auditiva
Castellanos, Rosario, Álbum de familia
Castro, Adolfo de, Historia de los judíos en España
Christie, Agatha, Tercera muchacha
Christie, Agatha, Trayectoria de Boomerang
Copeland, Kenneth, Freedom from Fear
De Mello, Anthony, Ilma jota hengität
Descartes, René, Six Metaphysical Meditations
Eco, Umberto (ed.), On Beauty
Emily the Strange 2, kadonnut numero
Farroni, Celeste, La figura de la mujer artista: invisibilización y romantización
Feehan, Colette M. J., Articulatory and Acoustic Phonetics Of Voice Acting
Ferber, Edna, Fanny Herself
Flavius Josephus, The Antiquities of The Jews
Flew, Antony, There Is A God
Folguera, Pilar (ed.), El Feminismo en España. Dos siglos de historia
Galeano, Eduardo, Las venas abiertas de América Latina
Guillén, Nicolás, Sóngoro cosongo
Gumbel, Nicky, Alfa: hyvä kysymys
Hergé, Tintin and Alph-Art
Hernando Lera, Marta, Ficción sonora. Análisis de contenido de las emisiones en Radio Nacional de España (2009–2015)​
Huhtanen, Kristiina, Maattomat kuninkaat
Huidobro, Vicente, Altazor eli matka laskuvarjolla
Huidobro, Vicente, Altazor o El viaje en paracaidas. Poema en VII cantos
Izaguirre Fernández, Belén, La obra narrativa de Silvina Ocampo en su contexto: confluencias y divergencias con una época
Joyce, James, Giacomo Joyce
Leppänen, Helena, Suomalainen kahvilakulttuuri - onko sitä?
Liehu, Heidi, Ihana Kristus. Esseitä
Linna-Dini, Elisa, Suomen kieltä draamalla maustettuna. Ajatuksia suomen kielen opettamisesta draamamenetelmin
Lorca, Federico García, Poema del Cante Jondo. Romancero gitano
McGrath, Alister, Faith and the Creeds
Miikkulainen Tiina, Draaman keinot suggestopedisessä S2-opetuksessa
Mitä Missä Milloin 1986
Mitä Missä Milloin 1992
Mitä Missä Milloin 1993
Morris, William, The Art and Craft Of Printing
Murakami, Haruki, First Person Singular
Müürsepp, Mare & Anne Uusen, Sügis. Esimene kooliraamat
Myths and Legends of Hawai'i
Neruda, Pablo, Canción de gesta. Las piedras de Chile
Neruda, Pablo, Tus pies toco en la sombra y otros poemas inéditos
Neruda, Pablo, 20 rakkausrunoa ja epätoivon laulu
Pasi, Jenni & Siurola, Hanna, Opettajankoulutuksen soveltuvuuskoe. Arvioitsijoiden näkökulma
Peterkin, Julia, Black April
Potok, Chaim, In the Beginning
Potok, Chaim, The Chosen
Rojo Casas, Guillermo, Nacionalismo e Imperialismo en los cómics de Tintín
Rooi, Martijn de, The Dutch, I Presume?
Ruffato, Luiz, Lissabonissa muistin sinut
Ruidos y susurros de las vanguardias. Reconstrucción de obras pioneras del Arte Sonoro (1909-1945)
Ruiz Domínguez, María del Mar, Estudio sociolingüístico del habla de Melilla
Ruotsalainen, Sakari, 1960- ja 1970-lukujen matala tyyppitalot ja asumisen muutos
Sánchez Torres, Mónica, In the Eye of the Beholder. Processing, Use, and Attitudes Towards (Non-)Sexist Language in a Second Language
Shaw, Bernard, Ei sitä koskaan voi tietää
Sihvonen, Matti, Uskon yksinkertaisuus
Sobrino Triana, Roxana, Cuba: realidades e imaginarios lingüísticos
Statovci, Pajtim, Mon chat Yugoslavia
Sutinen, Ville-Juhani, Kymmenen kuvaa Pietarista
Tacoronte, Ariel Laurencio, Variación lingüística en el español de Cuba
Tavi, Varpu, Viisaus on vanhoissa naisissa
The Life of Lazarillo of Tormes, His Fortunes And Misfortunes As Told By Himself
Una Voz Entre las Multitudes (ed. Stephen A. Sadow)
Varpio, Yrjö, Matkalla moderniin Suomeen
Virtanen, Rauha S., Seljalta maailman ääreen*
Virtanen, Rauha S., Seljan Tuli ja Lumi*
Virvatuli, Annikki, Kaarilan tytöt
Walsch, Neale Donald, Keskusteluja Jumalan kanssa. Kirja 3
Whitehead, Colson, Crook Manifesto

*) signifies re-reading

1. A book with a map
Gálvez, Christian, Hannah [a library book] Spanish
2. A book about a child and grandparent
Jansson, Tove, El libro del verano [a library book] Spanish
3. A book with a title that includes a plant
Özkan, Serdar, Kadonnut ruusu [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
4. A book you were going to read last year
Papo, Eliezer, La megila de Saray [online] Ladino
5. A book set underground
Berg, Mary, Päiväkirja 1939-1944. Kasvun vuodet Varsovan ghetossa [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
6. A book with a cover that includes a piece of clothing or a title that includes a garment
Donner, Jörn, Presidentti [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
7. A classic book from Sweden, Norway or Denmark
Strindberg, August, Hemsöläiset [from my bookshelf] Finnish
8. A book about a small town
Claus, Hugo, Andjakten [from a book-swap shelf] Swedish
9. A book by an author belonging to a minority, and the book is about the same minority
Sarid, Yishai, The Memory Monster [a library book] English
10. A book with instructions and advice
Adam, David, The Man Who Couldn't Stop [from a book-swap shelf] English
11. A book by an author whose name includes the same number of letters as your name
Remarque, Erich Maria, Riemukaari [from my bookshelf] Finnish
12. A book with a title that is connected to water
Malmsten, Bodil, Priset på vatten i Finistère [from a book-swap shelf] Swedish
13. A book with a colourful cover or title
Darío, Rubén, Azul [a library book] Spanish
14. A book about health care
Holopainen, Anu, Ilmeetön mies [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
15. A book with a title that includes the word ‘and’
Katz, Daniel, Naisen torso ja muita kertomuksia* [from my bookshelf] Finnish
16. A book in which someone is writing a book
Egan, Jennifer, Sydäntorni [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
17. A book that is a collection of essays, articles or columns
Ahti, Risto, Aatamin muistiinpanot [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
18. A book that was originally published in Chinese, Hindi, English, Spanish or Arabic (the five most spoken languages in the world) (Arabic)
El Saadawi, Nawal, Herra ex-ministerin kuolema ja muita novelleja [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
19. A book set in a place you have visited
Howland, Bette, Blue in Chicago [a library book] English
20. A book about a woman who is travelling
Cesco, Federica de, Weißer Kranich über Tibet [from a book-swap shelf] German
21. A science fiction book
Wells, H.G., The Food of the Gods [a library book] English
22. A book about a topic you have read a lot about
Tablada, José Juan, Un día... (Poemas sintéticos) [online] Spanish
23. A big book
Rimbaud Complete. Volume I: Poetry And Prose [from a book-swap shelf] English/French
24. A book about an athlete
Inger, Nan, Piglet kotona ja kilpailuissa* [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
25. A book with a title that includes a day of the week or a month
Japrisot, Sébastien, Un long dimanche de fiançailles [a library book] French
26. A book that is challenging for you to read for some reason or another
Fried, Anne, Kaipauksen hiljaiset äänet [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
27. A book with a character who is looking for a solution to the climate crisis
Hämeen-Anttila, Virpi, Muistan sinut Amanda [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
28. A book that is set in the same season as when you are reading it
Pekkola, Pasi, Lohikäärmeen värit [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
29. A book with a first-person narrator
Kerouac, Jack, Saijo, Albert & Lew Welch, Trip Trap; Haiku along the Road from San Francisco to New York, 1959 [online] English
30. A book that has been nominated for a literature award
Uusma, Bea, Expeditionen. Min kärlekshistoria [from a book-swap shelf] Swedish
31. A book with a cover that includes sky or the word ‘sky’ in its title
Brink, André, Sateen enteitä [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
32. A book about something you dream about
Salmi, Niklas, Valotusaika [from my bookshelf] Finnish
33. A book you can read in one sitting
Benedetti, Mario, Rincón de haikus [online] Spanish
34. A book about Ukraine
Foer, Jonathan Safran, Everything Is Illuminated* [from my bookshelf] English
35. A book in which someone does work that is familiar to you
Kishon, Ephraim, Merisairas valas [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
36. A book by an author towards whom you have prejudice
Hitler, Adolf, Mein Kampf. A translation into English [an online text] English
37. A book about a way of life that no longer exists
Natt och Dag, Niklas, 1793 [borrowed from a friend] Finnish
38. A book with a plot based on a myth, story or legend
Mann, Thomas, Pyhä syntinen [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
39. A book that was recommended to you on media or social media
Krauss, Nicole, Rakkauden historia [from my bookshelf] Finnish
40. A book in which someone abandons something
Waltari, Mika, Lähdin Istanbuliin [a library book] Finnish
41. A book by an author born in the 1990s
Luoma, Jussi, Postkolonialistinen missio [online] Finnish
42. A book with a title that includes at least three words
Kilpi, Eeva, A Landscape Blossoms Within Me [from my bookshelf] English
43. A book that describes the future optimistically
Hämeen-Anttila, Virpi, Villa Speranza [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
44. A book in a genre, or literature type, that you do not usually read
Coelho, Paulo, Aleph [a library book] Spanish
45. A book fitting a challenge item for which you have already read another book
Chabon, Michael, Pittsburghin mysteerit [from my bookshelf] Finnish
46. A book with an unusual man or boy
Munro, Alice, Kallis elämä [from my bookshelf] Finnish
47.–48. Two books with stories set in the same city or environment
Krohn, Helmi, Eeva-Liisa [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
Pietilä, A.P., Erkon verikoirat. Sanomatalon salaiset päiväkirjat [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
49. A book published in 2023
Lieko, Aamo, Pisarakulma [from my bookshelf] Finnish
50. A book recommended by library staff
Garcia, Gabriela, Of Women And Salt [a library book] English

[154 books]

*) signifies re-reading; **) signifies a bookcrossing book

Abanico: Nueva edición
Acción 2 tekstikirja
Acción 2 harjoituskirja
Adam, David, The Man Who Couldn't Stop
Aejmelaeus, Lars, Paavali. Elämä ja kirjeet
Ahti, Risto, Aatamin muistiinpanot
Акунин, Борис, Статский советник
Alaston totuus taiteesta. Kirjoituksia taidemaailmasta uudella vuosituhannella (ed. Sini Mononen)
Andtbacka, Ralf, Café Sjöjungfrun
Apo, Satu, Ihmesatujen historia*
Aristizábal, Susana, Un castillo de libros
Bach, Richard, Jonathan Livingston Seagull*
Bacon, Henry, Oopperan historia
Bartos-Höppner, Barbara, Ponyfest mit Schnüpperle
Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Leprince de, La bella y la bestia
Benedetti, Mario, Rincón de haikus
Berg, Mary, Päiväkirja 1939-1944. Kasvun vuodet Varsovan ghetossa
Bica portuguesa. Portugalin alkeiskurssi
Blume, Judy, Fiksuja naisia
Boa viagem! Hyvää matkaa portugaliksi
Borges, Jorge Luis, Haarautuvien polkujen puutarha*
Borges, Jorge Luis, The Aleph*
Brink, André, Sateen enteitä
Busquets, Milena, Las palabras justas
Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, La vida es sueño
Cesco, Federica de, Das Mondpferd
Cesco, Federica de, Weißer Kranich über Tibet
Chabon, Michael, Pittsburghin mysteerit
Christie, Agatha, Los cuatro grandes
Claus, Hugo, Andjakten
Coelho, Paulo, Aleph
Curso práctico: Gramática de español lengua extranjera
Darío, Rubén, Azul
Deck, Olivier, La Voie ferrée
Delibes, Miguel, Los Santos Inocentes
Dime 4
Donner, Jörn, Presidentti
Egan, Jennifer, Sydäntorni
El Cronometro. Nivel Intermedio
El Cronometro. Nivel superior
El Saadawi, Nawal, Herra ex-ministerin kuolema ja muita novelleja
Ermilä, Suvi, Vastaanottokeskus*
Eslava Galán, Juan, Misterioso asesinato en casa de Cervantes
Fantástico 3
Fantástico 4
Fénelon, Fania, Das Mädchenorchester in Auschwitz
Ferreras, Alberto, B de Bella
Foer, Jonathan Safran, Everything Is Illuminated*
Frank, Anne, Salaisen siiven tarinoita
Fried, Anne, Kaipauksen hiljaiset äänet
Fumich, Sergio, Quaderno di Haiku
Furman, Ben, Perhosia vatsassa
Gálvez, Christian, Hannah
Garcia, Gabriela, Of Women And Salt
Granström, Lars, Plötsligt slår blixten ned
Graphic Details. A Style Guide to Patterns and Applications
Hannola, Tuula, Lasten nimeäminen Helsingin Munkkiniemessä ja Vuosaaressa 2000-luvulla. Pro gradu
Hary, Benjamin & Sarah Bunin Benor, Languages in Jewish Communities, Past and Present
Hitler, Adolf, Mein Kampf. A translation into English
Holopainen, Anu, Ilmeetön mies
Howland, Betty, Blue in Chicago
Hualde, José Ignacio & Saul Mahir, Sepharad as Imagined Community
Huizinga, Johan, Keskiajan syksy*
Hume, David, Keskusteluja luonnollisesta uskonnosta
Hämeen-Anttila, Virpi, Muistan sinut Amanda
Hämeen-Anttila, Virpi, Villa Speranza
Inger, Nan, Piglet kotona ja kilpailuissa*
Jančar, Drago, Kaleeriorja*
Jansson, Tove, El libro del verano
Japrisot, Sébastien, Un long dimanche de fiançailles
Joutsen, Britta-Lisa, Saaressa kasvaa omenapuu
Katz, Daniel, Mi abuelo llegó esquiando
Katz, Daniel, Naisen torso ja muita kertomuksia
Keisarin edessä. Kaksi ateenalaista apologiaa
Kerouac, Jack, Saijo, Albert & Lew Welch, Trip Trap; Haiku along the Road from San Francisco to New York, 1959
Khader, Naser, Verta vuotava sydän
Kilpi, Eeva, A Landscape Blossoms Within Me
Kishon, Ephraim, Merisairas valas
Kite, Melissa, Real Life
Krauss, Nicole, Rakkauden historia
Krohn, Helmi, Eeva-Liisa
Kytömäki, Pekka, Historian pienmiehiä
Lassila, Pertti, Ihmisten asiat
Lehtonen, Joel, Lintukoto*
Lehtonen, Rea, Nummelin, Juri & Teerijoki, Elina, Aarnu, Evena, Vinjami*
Lewisohn, Ludwig, Le Destin de Mr Crump
Lieko, Aamo, Pisarakulma
Loivamaa, Bentgsson, Rung, Minä ja Marion
Los arrullos de Jáamo
Luoma, Jussi, Postkolonialistinen missio
Machado, Antonio, Nuevas canciones 4 5 6
Malmsten, Bodil, Priset på vatten i Finistère
Mann, Thomas, Pyhä syntinen
Maugham, W. Somerset, The Kite and Other Stories
McPherson, Catriona, The Burry Man's Day* **
Melo e Abreu, Liisa, Lusomania. Portugalin alkeiskirja
Mi Mundo 5-6
Mi Mundo 7-8
Millás, Juan José, Desde la sombra
Millás, Juan José, Los objetos nos llaman
Minucius Felix, Marcus, Octavius
Moi, Toril, Sukupuoli/teksti/valta. Feministinen kirjallisuusteoria*
Moreno, Elena, El Misterio de la Llave
Moser, Hugo, Annalen der deutschen Sprache
Munro, Alice, Kallis elämä
Mäkinen, Matti, Contigo. 600 espanjan verbiä
Natt och Dag, Niklas, 1793
Neruda, Pablo, Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
Neuman, Andrés, Una vez Argentina
Nykyespanjan peruskielioppi
O'Donnell, Christopher, Celebrare con Maria
Paasilinna, Arto, El molinero aullador
Papo, Eliezer, La megila de Saray
Pekkola, Pasi, Lohikäärmeen värit
Philologia Hispalensis 2022 vol. XXXVI. Estudios lingüísticos, Facultad de Filología, Universidad de Sevilla
Pietilä, A.P., Erkon verikoirat. Sanomatalon salaiset päiväkirjat
Porkka, Jarno, Suomalaisten erisnimien foneettinen vaihtelu 1917-2006
Puértolas, Romain, Fakiiri joka juuttui Ikea-kaappiin
Remarque, Erich Maria, Riemukaari
Renard, Jules, Histoires naturelles
Rimbaud Complete. Volume I: Poetry And Prose
Rodríguez, Alejandro Jover & Kaasinen, Kaija, Abi espanja
Rowling, J.K., הארי פוטר והאסיר מאזקבאן
Rufin, Jean-Christophe, Check-Point
Runeberg, Johan Ludvig, En voi. Perhekuvaus kahdessa näytöksessä
Sachs, Nelly, Samlade dikter
Salmi, Niklas, Valotusaika
Sarid, Yishai, The Memory Monster
Simenon, Georges, Kolme huonetta Manhattanilla
Spanish Verb Drills
Steinbeck, John, Punainen poni
Strindberg, August, Hemsöläiset
Tablada, José Juan, El jarro de flores (Disociaciones líricas)
Tablada, José Juan, Un día... (Poemas sintéticos)
Takalo, Tiitu, Minä, Mikko ja Annikki*
Thompson, Craig, Blankets*
Truffa, Noelia, Escribiendo por el mundo. Relatos de la vida nómada*
Uuden Kuun ja Vihervaaran tytöt (eds. Suvi Ahola & Satu Koskimies)*
Uusitalo, Lauri, A Colonial Frontier
Uusma, Bea, Expeditionen. Min kärlekshistoria
Vaara, Elina, Valitut runot
Vila Rosas, Lis D., El español como lengua extranjera en Finlandia
Viva voce
Waltari, Mika, Lähdin Istanbuliin
Weinberg, Elyakim, Ani be-Israel
Wells, H.G., The Food of the Gods
Wheen, Francis, Marx's Das Kapital. A Biography
Whitehead, Colson, Harlem Shuffle
Wolff, Klaus, Blick zurück ohne Zorn
Zuppi, Matteo, La confessione. Il perdono per cambiare
Özkan, Serdar, Kadonnut ruusu

*) signifies re-reading

1. A book combining fact and fiction
Krimstein, Ken, When I Grow Up [from my bookshelf] English
2. A book where ice or snow plays a major role
Thompson, Craig, Blankets [from my bookshelf] English
3. A book with events in which you would like to be involved in
Tähtinen, Tero, Kuunkulkema yö [borrowed from a friend] Finnish
4. A book with events in which you would not like to be involved in
Röyhkä, Kauko, Junamatka Moskovaan [from my bookshelf] Finnish
5. A book featuring someone falling seriously ill
Weintraub, Bjarne, Under oket [from a friend] Swedish
6. A book by an author whose work you have never read before
Di Prima, Diane, Vallankumoukselliset kirjeet [a library book] Finnish
7. A book about friendship
Bowen, James, Un gato callejero llamado Bob [borrowed from a friend] Spanish
8. A book where something that is lost, or thought to be lost, is found
Waltari, Mika, Felix onnellinen [from my bookshelf] Finnish
9. A book whose protagonist belongs to an ethnic minority
Singer, Isaac Bashevis, Orja* [from my bookshelf] Finnish
10. A book with a title you find boring
Aspenström, Werner, 66 dikter [from a book-swap shelf] Swedish
11. A book whose events are not recounted in chronological order
Høeg, Peter, Den tysta flickan [from a book-swap shelf] Swedish
12. A poetry book published within the last five years
Adamson, Donald, Bield [from my bookshelf] Scots
13. A children’s or young adult’s book published in the 2000s
Fiami, Galilein elämät* [from my bookshelf] Finnish
14. A book about a historical event
Meretoja, Ilona, Juhana oli kohtaloni [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
15. A book about a topic you want to learn more about
Ermilä, Suvi, Vastaanottokeskus [a bookstore book] Finnish
16. A book with chapters with titles
Pessl, Marisha, Fördjupade studier i katastroffysik [from a book-swap shelf] Swedish
17. A book that has stirred public debate or caused a scandal
Dorfman, Ariel & Mattelart, Armand, How to Read Donald Duck. Imperialist Ideology in The Disney Comic [from my bookshelf] English
18. A book written by a journalist
Varis, Tuula-Liina, Tippaleipä kaalipadassa ja muita ilmiöitä [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
19. A book that has at least three different narrators
Nevanlinna, Arne, Marie [from my bookshelf] Finnish
20. A book with characters who have supernatural abilities
Safier, David, Happy Family [from my bookshelf] Finnish
21. A book that relates to your childhood
Michaelis, David, Schulz and Peanuts: A Biography [from my bookshelf] English
22. A book containing text messages, emails or social media updates
Van Dalen, Beau, Warrior of Hearts [pts 1-13 of an online publication] English
23. A small book
Smith, Zadie, Intimations [from my bookshelf] English
24. A book written by an author from the Middle East
שיר השירים. קומענטאריעלע איבערזעצונג [online] Yiddish
25. A book with a title that includes a cardinal direction
Fra det fjerne øst til det hvite nord (eds. Sunny Jo, Berit K.N. Ellingsen, Dong-Soo Dan Hilmersson & Hanna Sofia Jung Johansson)* [from my bookshelf] Norwegian, Swedish, Danish
26. A book related to civic activism
Tuulio, Tyyni, Fredrikan Suomi [from my bookshelf] Finnish
27. A book recommended by another Reading Challenge participant
Väisänen, Hannu, Toiset kengät [from my bookshelf] Finnish
28. A book with a minor as its protagonist
Hirn, Eva, Me miehet [online] Finnish
29. A book that describes good and evil
Bellow, Saul, Tartu tilaisuuteen [from my bookshelf] Finnish
30. A book featuring relocating to a new country
Kellogg Sullivan, May, A Woman Who Went to Alaska [online] English
31. A book that includes something you find important
Heikkilä, Annastiina, Bibistä burkiniin. Totuuksia ranskatar-myytin takaa [a library book] Finnish
32. A book that breaks community standards
Singer, Isaac Bashevis, Lublinin taikuri [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
33. A book set in Africa
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi, Puolikas keltaista aurinkoa [from my bookshelf] Finnish
34. A book written by an author whose name includes a nature word
Kivi, Aleksis, Karkurit: näytelmä viidessä näytöksessä. Kriittinen editio [online] Finnish
35. A book including a trial
Roots and Routes of Democracy and Extremism (eds. Timo Hellenberg & Kelly Robbins) [from a book-swap shelf] English
36. A book that follows the lives of many generations
Kallas, Aino, Kolmas saattue [from my bookshelf] Finnish
37. A book with a cover or title that makes you feel good
Setälä, Salme, Epäasiallinen kronikka [from my bookshelf] Finnish
38. A book where a dream or goal is achieved
Truffa, Noelia, Escribiendo por el mundo [from my bookshelf] Spanish
39. A collection of short stories
ליטעראטור פאר דער שול׃ מעשהלעך [online] Yiddish
40. A book about a country that no longer exists
Saramago, José, Elefantin matka [from my bookshelf] Finnish
41. A comic book or book about a superhero
Hammar, Edith, Homo Line [from a friend] Swedish
42. A book about living in a commune or shared flat
Strengell, Riittastiina & Pienanen, Mika, "Nou lobrem, mää oon käyny Amerikassakin". Mikan elämää, ajatuksia ja unelmia [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
43. A book that meets at least three of the challenge items
Holthoer, Rostislav, Muinaisen Egyptin kulttuuri* [from my bookshelf] Finnish
44. A book with a title that includes a name of a city
Antin, Mary, From Plotzk to Boston [online] English
45. An award-winning debut novel
Pulkkinen, Riikka, Raja [from my bookshelf] Finnish
46. A book with a cover that is mostly red or a title that includes the word red
Turtschaninoff, Maria, Maresi. Punaisen luostarin kronikoita [from a book-swap shelf] Finnish
47.–⁠48. Two books written by authors belonging to the same family or related to one another
אנטואן די סיינט-אקזיפירי, איל פרינג׳יפיקו [from my bookshelf] Ladino
Saint-Exupéry, Consuelo de, Ruusun muistelmat* [from my bookshelf] Finnish
49. A book published in 2022
Préaux, Annie, Disparu d'un trait d'encre [from a book-swap shelf] French
50. A book recommended by library staff
Väisänen, Hannu, Elohopea [from my bookshelf] Finnish

[Grand total: 100 books. A tad less than in previous years; but then again in 10 languages, which I'm super proud of!]
*) signifies re-reading; **) signifies a bookcrossing book

50-luvun tyttöjen ystävät. Ystävyyskirjeet 1952—1960 (eds. Katarina Eskola & Satu Koskimies)*
Adamson, Donald, Bield
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi, Puolikas keltaista aurinkoa
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi, Rakas ystäväni tai 15 ehdotuksen feministinen manifesti
Agapetus, Musta kissa
Akunin, Boris, Turkkilainen gambiitti*
Antin, Mary, From Plotzk to Boston
Aspenström, Werner, 66 dikter
Auster, Paul, The New York Trilogy*
Bellow, Saul, Tartu tilaisuuteen
Blyton, Enid, First Term at Malory Towers
Books of the People (ed. by Dr. Stuart W. Halpern)
Bowen, James, Un gato callejero llamado Bob
Brinton, Crane, Aatteet ja ihmiset
De la Torre Moral, Santiago & Päivi Sihvonen, Nykyespanjan peruskielioppi
Di Prima, Diane, Vallankumoukselliset kirjeet
Dorfman, Ariel & Mattelart, Armand, How to Read Donald Duck. Imperialist Ideology in The Disney Comic
Egüez, Tatiana L. & Castro, Fidel M., Manual Básico de Entomología
Ermilä, Suvi, Vastaanottokeskus
Eskola, Timo, Juutalainen nimeltä Jeesus
Estrellas 1
Fiami, Galilein elämät*
Fra det fjerne øst til det hvite nord (eds. Sunny Jo, Berit K.N. Ellingsen, Dong-Soo Dan Hilmersson & Hanna Sofia Jung Johansson)*
Hammar, Edith, Homo Line
Handke, Peter, Don Juan (hänen itsensä kertomana)
Heikkilä, Annastiina, Bibistä burkiniin. Totuuksia ranskatar-myytin takaa
Higginson, William J., & Harter, Penny, The Haiku Handbook. How to Write, Teach, and Appreciate Haiku
Hirn, Eva, Me miehet
Holthoer, Rostislav, Muinaisen Egyptin kulttuuri*
Høeg, Peter, Den tysta flickan
Jaantila, Anu, Sannan jenkkivuosi* **
Kallas, Aino, Kolmas saattue
Kamila, Marjo, Katsojana ja katsottuna
Kellogg Sullivan, May, A Woman Who Went to Alaska
Kertomus postmodernismin jälkeen (ed. Samuli Björninen)
מעבר לכאב, יפה כפיר
קינדער וואס ארבעטן
Kirstinä, Leena, Kirsi Kunnas: Sateessa ja tuulessa
Kivi, Aleksis, Karkurit: näytelmä viidessä näytöksessä. Kriittinen editio
Koivisto, Sesse, Öisin valvoo leopardi
Krimstein, Ken, When I Grow Up
Kring Bellman
Kuisma, Jemina, Terra Antiqua
Kuusela, Niko, Pop-jazz-ornamentoinnin touhukas maailma
Lahtinen, Juuso, Suunnittelutavoitteet tehdasrakennusten uudiskäytössä
Liehu, Rakel, Helene
ליטעראטור פאר דער שול׃ מעשהלעך 1 2 3
Mansikkamäki, Anna, Veli Tuuliharson tupsahtava aurinko – Huumorin poetiikkaa Matsuo Bashōn haikaituotannossa
Meretoja, Ilona, Juhana oli kohtaloni
Michaelis, David, Schulz and Peanuts: A Biography
Mi mundo 1-2
Mi mundo 3-4
Molodowsky, Kadia, Yidishe Kinder
Nevanlinna, Arne, Marie
Pennanen, Eila, Tunnustelua. Kirjallisuusesseitä
Pessl, Marisha, Fördjupade studier i katastroffysik
Préaux, Annie, Disparu d'un trait d'encre
Pulkkinen, Riikka, Raja
Pulkkinen, Riikka, Totta
Puranen-Impola, Karoliina, Kurinalaistamisen ja kategorisoinnin keino. Rangaistuskäytänteet seitsemässä suomalaisessa oppikoulussa 1905–1925
Rautkallio, Hannu, Ne kahdeksan ja Suomen omatunto
Ridley, Jenny, Queen Luise In Berlin
Roots and Routes of Democracy and Extremism (eds. Timo Hellenberg & Kelly Robbins)
Rowling, J.K., Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets*
Runebergs brev till Emilie Björkstén. Utgivna av Gunnar Castrén
Röyhkä, Kauko, Junamatka Moskovaan
Saarinen, Kiti, Lehtonen, Rea & Ina Jaakkola, My Self-Made Wings. Haiku Stories
Safier, David, Happy Family
Sainila, Oili, Down Memory Lane. Collected Poems
אנטואן די סיינט-אקזיפירי, איל פרינג׳יפיקו
Saint-Exupéry, Consuelo de, Ruusun muistelmat*
Salo, Kyllikki, Ollaan niin kuin ihmiset
Saramago, José, Elefantin matka
Setälä, Salme, Epäasiallinen kronikka
שיר השירים. קומענטאריעלע איבערזעצונג
Singer, Isaac Bashevis, Lublinin taikuri
Singer, Isaac Bashevis, Orja*
Smith, Zadie, Intimations
Strengell, Riittastiina & Pienanen, Mika, "Nou lobrem, mää oon käyny Amerikassakin". Mikan elämää, ajatuksia ja unelmia
The Essential AI Handbook for Leaders
Thompson, Craig, Blankets
Tikkanen, Märta, Emma ja Uno
Truffa, Noelia, Escribiendo por el mundo
Turtschaninoff, Maria, Maresi. Punaisen luostarin kronikoita
Tuulio, Tyyni, Ehtoota
Tuulio, Tyyni, Fredrikan Suomi
Tähtinen, Tero, Kuunkulkema yö
Van Dalen, Beau, Warrior of Hearts
Varis, Tuula-Liina, Tippaleipä kaalipadassa ja muita ilmiöitä
Venäjän ja Neuvostoliiton historia*
Väisänen, Hannu, Elohopea
Väisänen, Hannu, Kuperat ja koverat
Väisänen, Hannu, Toiset kengät
Waltari, Mika, Felix onnellinen
Waltari, Mika, Kirjailijan muistelmia
Waltari, Mika, Nuori Johannes*
Weintraub, Bjarne, Under oket


"The 2021 Helmet Reading Challenge highlights nature and animals, introduces professions that no longer exist and gets you to read outdoors. It includes reading books where the world is changing and books where the protagonist’s life is changing."

*) signifies re-reading

1. A book featuring keeping a diary
Inoue, Yasushi, Erään väärentäjän elämä* [from my bookshelf]
2. A book written by a teacher
Rajala, Panu, Unio Mystica [from my bookshelf]
3. A historical novel
Waltari, Mika, Kaarina Maununtytär [from my bookshelf]
4. A book where someone shares their memories
Coupland, Douglas, Generation X* [from my bookshelf]
5. A book related to a TV series or a film
Goldsmith, Olivia, The First Wives Club [from my bookshelf]
6. A book about love
Capote, Truman, Summer Crossing** [a bookcrossing book]
7. A book featuring a group of friends
Alcott, Louisa May, Flower Fables [an online book]
8. A book where the world is changing:
Kosovel, Srečko, Punainen raketti [from my bookshelf]
9. A book whose author’s first and last name begin with the same letter
Hämäläinen, Helvi, Sukupolveni unta [from my bookshelf]
10. A book with a number in its title
Brazil, Angela, The Youngest Girl in the Fifth [an online book]
11. A book about poverty
Yiddish Tales (translated by Helena Frank) [an online book]
12. A book set in the woods
Martinson, Harry, Kulkijan pilvilinnat [from my bookshelf]
13. A book related to the theatre, opera or ballet
Esitys ja toiseus (Eds. Anna Thuring, Anu Koskinen & Tuija Kokkonen) [an online book]
14. A book that is a part of a series
Herzl, Theodor, The Jewish State [an online book]
15. A book that has something in common with your own life
Asunta, Heikki, Aamu ja puolipäivä [from my bookshelf]
16. A book where people live without electricity
Krohn, Julius, Nuoren ylioppilaan kirjeitä 1850-luvulta [from my bookshelf]
17. A book whose title includes the name of the protagonist
Allardt Ekelund, Karin, Fredrika Runeberg [from my bookshelf]
18. A book about an LGBT+ family
Hollinghurst, Alan, The Sparsholt Affair [from my bookshelf]
19. A book featuring playing
Foer, Esther Safran, I Want You To Know We're Still Here [from my bookshelf]
20. A book featuring a profession that no longer exists or that is rare
Envall, Markku, Samurai nukkuu* [from my bookshelf]
21. A book related to a specific season
Camus, Albert, L’Été* [from my bookshelf]
22. A book featuring cycling
Nabokov, Vladimir, Lahja [from my bookshelf]
23. A book that you read outdoors
Smith, Zadie, NW [from my bookshelf]
24. A book whose title includes a question mark or an exclamation mark
Bitsch, Jørgen, Miksi Budha hymyilee?* [from my bookshelf]
25. A book written by two authors
Jung, C.G, & Kerényi, C. The Science of Mythology* [from my bookshelf]
26. A biography of a person who is still alive
Yousafzai, Malala, Minä olen Malala [from my bookshelf]
27. A book whose protagonist is an animal
א. פושקין, א מעשה וועגען א פישער און א פישעלע [an online publication]
28. A book that is useful for you to read
Schildt, Göran, Purjehdukseni Daphnella [from my bookshelf]
29. A book whose protagonist’s life is changing
Järnefelt, Arvid, Vanhempieni romaani [from my bookshelf]
30. A book published after the author’s death
Harmaja, Saima, Kootut runot [from my bookshelf]
31. A thriller or a mystery
McPherson, Catriona, The Burry Man’s Day* [from my bookshelf]
32. A book with a cat on the front or back cover description
Simenon, Georges, Le chat* [from my bookshelf]
33. A book that teaches a skill
Rosten, Leo, The New Joys of Yiddish [from my bookshelf]
34. A book where nature is observed
Lundberg, Ulla-Lena, Metsästäjän hymy. Matkoja kalliotaiteen maailmassa [from my bookshelf]
35. A book you have been waiting for
Bluwštein, Rachel, Lähellä kaikki kaukaisuus [manuscript]
36. A book featuring travel through time
Krauss, Nicole, Forest Dark [from my bookshelf]
37. A book with a character whose work is important to the story
Waltari, Mika, Sinuhe egyptiläinen [from my bookshelf]
38. A well-translated book
Tagore, Rabindranath, Villilintuja* [from my bookshelf]
39. A book featuring listening to music
Linjama, Jyrki, Topiikan juhla. Näkökulmia topoksen ja rakenteen suhteeseen [an online publication]
40. A book about animal rights
Foer, Jonathan Safran, Eating Animals [available online]
41. A book featuring travel by train
Ramstedt, G.J., Seitsemän retkeä itään. Lähettiläänä Nipponissa [from my bookshelf]
42. A fairytale book
Vaara, Elina, Sadunkertoja* [from my bookshelf]
43. A book that does not reveal the name of the protagonist
Munthe, Axel, Huvila meren rannalla [from my bookshelf]
44. A book including recipes
Mehran, Marsha, Lumoavien mausteiden kahvila* [from my bookshelf]
45. A book written by a Nordic author
Hamsun, Knut, Mysteerioita [from my bookshelf]
46. A book featuring eating treats
Sansone, Caterina & Alessandro Tota, Palacinche. Histoire d'une exilée* [from my bookshelf]
47.–48. Two books on the same subject
Hollinghurst, Alan, The Line of Beauty* ** [from my bookshelf] and
Hollinghurst, Alan, The Stranger's Child* ** [from my bookshelf]
49. A book published in 2021:
Jančar, Drago, Kaleeriorja [from my bookshelf]
50. A book recommended by a member of the library staff
Queneau, Raymond, Exercices de style* [from my bookshelf]

[120 books]

[205 books]


BOOKBOX: Runoreppu
Nainen ja kuningas
Glömp 9
Rexi on homo ja opettajat hullui
Mandala Colouring Book
Lintu pulpetissa
Isoäitini eroottiset kansantarinat
Dude, Where's My Country?
On Beauty
Lyhyt kantama
Mitä minä teen täällä?
Tyhmyyden ensyklopedia
Vingt-quatre heures de la vie d'une femme
The Penelopiad
Punainen erokirja
Glömp 7
Black Rain
Why Read the Classics?
Dictionary of the Khazars
The Importance of Being Earnest
A Woman of No Importance
The Capture of Attu
Kafka on the Shore
The Line of Beauty
Jane Austen -lukupiiri
The Swimming-Pool Library
Gyn/Ecology: Metaethics of Radical Feminism
Unique Item
A Void
Slaughter-house Five
Phaic Tan
Oracle Night
The Labrador Fiasco
South of the Border, West of the Sun
Fahrenheit 451
Atorox kuussa
Pessi ja Illusia
Kotona maailmankaikkeudessa

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