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Age 59
Joined Friday, April 16, 2004
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Buchringe, -rays und -boxen, die ich gestartet habe

Bookrings, -rays and boxes I have started

'Jahrestage' (4 Bde.) by Uwe Johnson (ist wieder zu Hause / is back home :o)))
'Flughunde' by Marcel Beyer (ist wieder zu Hause / is back home :o)))
'Malibu' (Audio) by Leon de Winter
'Tintenherz' by Cornelia Funke
'Inkheart' by Cornelia Funke (stalled/hängt fest; revived by silverstarry)
'Monsieur Ibrahim und die Blumen des Koran' by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt (beendet und released)
'Tintenblut' by Cornelia Funke
'Inkspell' by Cornelia Funke
Inkheart's English Box (seems to be lost)
'Ben in der Welt' by Doris Lessing (stalled/hängt fest; revived by / wiederbelebt von CaptainCarrot)
'Faustinas Küsse' by Hanns-Josef Ortheil
'Wintermärchen' by Mark Helprin
'Bestseller' by Albert Zuckerman
'Arkansas Traveler' by Earlene Fowler
'The Lord of the Rings' (Audio) by J. R. R. Tolkien
'Auf der Eisenbahnbrücke' by Robert Cormier
'So viele Bücher!' by Gabriel Zaid (beendet)
'Tintentod' by Cornelia Funke
'Murphy's Law' by Rhys Bowen
'Einmal ist keinmal' by Janet Evanovich
'Zweimal ist einmal zuviel' by Janet Evanovich
'Eins, zwei, drei und du bist frei' by Janet Evanovich
'Aller guten Dinge sind vier' by Janet Evanovich
'Vier Morde und ein Hochzeitsfest' by Janet Evanovich
'Tödliche Versuchung' by Janet Evanovich

Buchringe, -rays und -boxen, die schon bei mir waren (bitte anklicken, um die Journale zu lesen):

Bookrings, Bookrays and Boxes I have read and sent on (please click on the title to go to the journal):

Bücher, die ich 2010 gelesen habe (anklickbar):

Books read in 2010 (clickable):

Bücher/Books 2009

Bücher/Books 2008

Books 2007

Books 2006

Books 2005

My Wish List Thanks to cliff1976!

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