The Buzz

Buzz is something special, something intangible, something money can't buy and advertising can't fake. If you want to know the unvarnished truth about something, anything, listen to what people candidly tell their friends. Our members are excited about BookCrossing, and naturally want to share that excitement with others. Shown below are the most recent 100 messages from our Tell-a-Friend form where the member gave us permission to post their message here.

EDITOR'S NOTE: these are not edited or reviewed prior to display here, so if you see inappropriate content, please contact us with the screen name and the message in question.

To 1 friends...

Ciao, perchè non offrire al vostro progetto MoviClub del libro , un palcoscenico più ampio ancora! :-) A presto Elio
by eliogia on 1/15/2025

To 1 friends...

Hallo! :) Wäre das nicht auch was für euch? Bücher lesen und wieder freigeben. Macht Spaß und ist nachhaltig. Grüße aus Linsenhofen!
by Charlottae on 1/4/2025

To 2 friends...

Brian here's the site. We can talk after you've looked through it. Sending to Cathleen, too. Here's the Little Free Library site, too. There's one very near you. I texted you a map to it. Be well, Jai Baba Amy PS I'm bookczuk on BookCrossing.
by bookczuk on 12/17/2024

To 2 friends...

Brian here's the site. We can talk after you've looked through it. Sending to Cathleen, too. Here's the Little Free Library site, too. There's one very near you. I texted you a map to it. Be well, Jai Baba Amy PS I'm bookczuk on BookCrossing.
by bookczuk on 12/17/2024

To 1 friends...

Mach mit bei Bookcrossing - nachhaltig und es ist spannend wo die Bücher landen.
by ArwenAnouk on 7/24/2024

To 0 friends...

Questo progetto è nato, nel 2021, con l'appoggio dell'allora signor Questore Massucci!!!!! Sempre grazie di tutto cuore!!!! L'intento che ha animato tutto è quello di promuovere e condividere la cultura, senza limiti e affidandoci al rispetto, alla gentilezza ed al piacere di contribuire, seppur anche solo con un pensiero!!!!! L'universo ha bisogno di gentilezza, rispetto, fiducia e cultura! Daniela
by QuesturadiTerni on 6/10/2024

To 1 friends...

Lets try this. Please use this link to try and register again. Josie
by J4Shaw on 6/6/2024

To 1 friends...

Moin Dörthe, hier kommt der versprochenen Link zu bookcrossing. Schau es Dir an, und vielleicht ist es so interessant, dass Du Dich anmeldest. Hier in der Umgebung gibt es ein paar BC-ler, die sich auch treffen. Schau Dir die Bücher, die ich freigelassen habe, an unter: Liebe Grüße und bis bald Jutta
by shella42 on 6/5/2024

To 1 friends...

Moin Elke, hier, wie versprochen, der Link zu Bookcrossing. Wenn Du Lust hast, melde Dich an. Würde mich freuen. Schau Dir die Bücher, die ich freigelassen habe, an unter:
by shella42 on 5/30/2024

To 4 friends...

Al twintig jaar ben ik aktief op deze website... waarom heb ik je er nooit eerder van verteld? Ik denk dat je het gaaf gaat vinden. Boeken en avontuur!
by Moem on 5/22/2024

To 1 friends...

Be cross with me!! With books then, of course….
by Erbie on 5/15/2024

To 1 friends...

Be cross with me!! With books then, of course….
by Erbie on 5/15/2024

To 0 friends...

Lass deine Bücher nicht verstauben und vergilben in deinem Bücherregal - verleih ihnen Flügel und gib sie weiter! Du kannst einfach Mitglied werden der Bookcrossing-Community! Wie? Das erfährst du unter: Es ist einfach und macht Freude :) Liebe Grüsse Tamara
by T_Time on 5/7/2024

To 1 friends...

Anbei ein neuer Einladeversuch
by DjCraven on 4/24/2024

To 1 friends...

Hallo Rita, ein erneuter Versuch, Dir die BC-Welt zu eröffnen. Viele Grüße Darren
by DjCraven on 4/22/2024

To 1 friends...

Here is a link, so you can find out more about BookCrossing. Maureen (Fracula)
by fracula on 3/2/2024

To 1 friends...

Unisciti a noi
by Moglio on 2/1/2024

To 1 friends...

Unisciti a noi
by Moglio on 2/1/2024

To 1 friends...

Unisciti a noi
by Moglio on 2/1/2024

To 3 friends...

Books just wanna be FREE! See what I mean at: Get registered BR, Kwatiah
by ABOBA on 1/23/2024

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