Join BookCrossing

You're about to join over 1,938,742 other book lovers from all over the world...

That's what BookCrossing is all about...

We are a community of book lovers who enjoy sharing our books with others. It's a simple process of adding a BookCrossing label to your books and then “releasing” them into the wild. And logging in here to see who finds them and where in the world they end up.

It's fun and exciting to “follow” your books as they travel around the world and take on a life of their own. Who know where they'll go and who will find them and return here to enter the ID from your labels...

Note: Your username is visible to anyone coming to the BookCrossing site. You may use your real name or a screen name of your choice, provided it is not in use already by another member. It should only contain letters, digits, hyphen (-) and underscore (_) and should have no spaces in it.
Note: Please choose a strong password up to 20 characters long.

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