It's a new month... time for some new bug fixes!
While Matt is still working on harnessing the book data that we all have contributed to, and making it available for searches, he's also been rather busy fixing other things, and even adding some nifty little features. Read all about it in this Announcements forum post.


Book Search

1124 Forum Posts Found:

wingRenowing 5 yrs ago | 7 replies
[[Does this mean that it is better for BookCrossing if we search with Amazon or with Google? Or doesn't it make a difference unless we are buying something?]] It’s better to use Google book search for cover images, a…

wingRenowing 5 yrs ago | 4 replies
Seeing how all the recently registered and released books have cover art now, I’d say the cover lookups are working pretty well.

wingRenowing 5 yrs ago | 10 replies
Ok, just deployed several changes: - fixed journal entries on pre-num labels - removed confusing journal entry instructions - added instagram icon to footer and removed rss feed icon - made forum titles and topic p…

wingRenowing 5 yrs ago
Also fixed a bug upon saving edits to your profiles. Edit: no, still working on a save profile edits bug. Final edit: ok, saving profile edits should work fine now.

wingRenowing 5 yrs ago | 1 replies
shocking, I know. Have a look around. :)

wingRenowing 5 yrs ago | 368 replies
Hi Everyone! For the last few months, I've been working on a complete makeover of the BookCrossing site, making the design mobile-phone responsive and looking/working good on any platform. Along the way through, e…

wingRenowing 7 yrs ago | 1 replies
Ok, sorry about that folks. I think I've got the problem fixed, if you'd like to check it again please.

wingRenowing 7 yrs ago | 1 replies
What's the ISBN of the book in question? Some books have no cover art available, but I'll check it out.

wingRenowing 7 yrs ago | 109 replies
Hi Everyone, I've been furiously cranking out little improvements here and there for the last coupla weeks, but thought this one deserved special mention: I just deployed some fixes for the missing cover image bug. …

wingRenowing 7 yrs ago | 1 replies
[[[[ I got redirected to a blank page with a veterinary logo on it. Nice! :\ ]] You do know that that is Bruce's clinic, don't you? They have been working on fixing the problem.]] Yes, well aware of that. Apparent…

wingRenowing 7 yrs ago | 1 replies
Moem, do you know how long that veterinary logo was at the top of the store? I'm sure that hasn't helped our order completion rate.

wingRenowing 7 yrs ago | 6 replies
I just dug into the store CC checkout problem, and wow is that broken! After adding items to my cart, and selecting CC and entering billing address info, I got redirected to a blank page with a veterinary logo on it. Nic…

wingRenowing 7 yrs ago | 352 replies
Hi Everyone, I've missed you. I've been away for far too long, taking an 10-year detour doing the tech startup thing in Silicon Valley, with some hits but many more misses. Throughout my detour I've remembered how go…

wingRenowing 17 yrs ago | 22 replies
Hi Everyone, Sorry I've been absent lately. One of the reasons is the legal struggle I'm going through against Amazon with (formerly If you'd like to help, and know how t…

wingRenowing 18 yrs ago | 14 replies
> would you explain why you chose to limit > posting to the announcement forum to wingg- > members only? ? I still doesn't see the > point. I'm simply trying to increase the relevance of the Announcements …

wingRenowing 18 yrs ago | 2 replies
> One of the "text" ads was more than text. > It was for the American Red Cross. Multi- > colored and had the logo and all. What's > the definition of "text ad"? Sorry, I should have said "mostly text" ads.…

wingRenowing 18 yrs ago | 24 replies
We're testing now with Google text ads where the picture ads used to be. Thank you for all the feedback so far, and for your patience as we continue testing and measuring objective data behind the scenes.

wingRenowing 18 yrs ago | 137 replies
We've started a new ad program with picture ads in the right sidebar and under individual forum posts, which are visible only to non-Wings ( members. There are hundreds of advertisers in…

wingRenowing 18 yrs ago | 14 replies
As most of you have already found out, one of our partners, Telphonic long distance service, has gone out of business due to circumstances unrelated to BookCrossing. The 70 or so members who had permanent Wings (http://w…

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