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From Heemstede, Noord-Holland Netherlands
Age 60
Joined Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Home page
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 935
released in the wild 0 584
controlled releases 0 119
releases caught 0 459
controlled releases caught 0 107
books found 0 233
tell-a-friend referrals 0 115
new member referrals 0 13
forum posts 0 2,543
Extended Profile

(March 2017) I still visit here but just not active anymore)

Update September 3-2012
Sorry I have not been participating on Bookcrossing anymore because shipping prices got so outrageously high here. I can't afford to send books oversees anymore. That was my favourite thing to do. Sending books to my friends in the USA and Canada and everywhere else. I will try to start releasing books in my own country but I am so behind registering the books i have. Never BC books. I always make a JE! :)
Still love to receive books but it sucks big time that I can't rabcks you back at the moment)

Hi I am Marlene. I have been a member on bookcrossing since 2003 and still a very active one.Love to read and check for interesting books.
I hardly read any Dutch books cause I prefer to read English. The first English books I read were True crime ones, but now I read all different genres although I do have lots of true crime books.

I have decided to finally register all of those, even the ones I want to keep, cause this makes it easier for others (and myself) to see which true crime books I already own.

I am willing to trade for books of my wish list.
Please don't contact me for rings or rays. I don't play those anymore :)
My wish list here and address on are always updated .

Other genres besides True crime I like among others are Survival Stories,Disaster Stories, True Life stories, Non Fiction, Biographies, Historical Fiction,Non Genre like Jodi Picoult and good chick lit books.

I am also a gamer. Love to play games on the Nintendo (NES/SNES) and the playstation. I collect Final Fantasy games and strategy guides. Well would love antyhing actually :) RPG games are my favorite.

I have started a book box: Marlene's English book Box 2
Marlene's English book Box #2 (stuck with Kindred-Spirit) :-(

Books I have mailed out but still have to arrive:

Tom Cruise to Boomda181 (Canada) for Bio/Memoir swap Oct.
Testimony by Anita Shreve (TBR) for reverse wishlist relay Lukutuoli (Finland)

Need to Mail out:

The Hunger games to MsJoanna Ring
The Hunger Games (Best of 2009 swap) to rockyhorror

Reading Now:

Rage by Gary C. King

My 2010 Reads

My 2009 Reads

My 2008 Reads

My 2007 Reads

My 2006 Reads

Countries I've shipped books to:

Controlled releases
The Netherlands :190
USA :139
England : 69
Germany: : 20
Canada : 17
Denmark : 16
Portugal : 10
Finland : 08
Scotland : 05
Serbia : 04
Belgium : 03
Cyprus : 03
Australia : 02
Bulgaria : 02
France : 02
Greece : 02
New Zealand : 02
Switzerland : 02
Bosnia&Herzegovina: 01
Brazil : 01
Norway : 01
Romania : 01
Spain : 01
Wales : 01

I also buy books On Ebay for my BC friends and don't register those.

ca 124 Wild releases

My Wish List thanks to cliff1976

Warning: I am an avid Smoker !! ;)

Take a look at my daughters bookshelf" target="_top">Free Web ALIGN="middle" HSPACE="4" VSPACE="2">

Disclaimer: The Marlene picture was made especially for me by ishepoh. I am a Final Fantasy fan. thanks :)

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