Shoo, Jimmy Choo!

Little Free Library USA
by Catey Hill | Nonfiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 1402766696 Global Overview for this book
Registered by EEastgate_OBCZ of Boise, Idaho USA on 4/3/2022
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Journal Entry 1 by EEastgate_OBCZ from Boise, Idaho USA on Sunday, April 3, 2022
About the Book:
Remember when Sex and the City’s Carrie Bradshaw faced the brutal realization that she couldn’t buy her apartment because she’d already spent her money on a closet full of Manolos? Well, if Carrie had met Catey first, she’d own her co-op and be on her way to a comfortable retirement!

Catey Hill is the online money expert for the Daily News Web site—and author of this humorous, practical “girlfriends guide” to personal finance for 20- and 30-something females. (The ones with the designer shoes…and maxed-out credit cards.) With a hip, “I’ve been there” voice along with worksheets and exercises, she helps women evaluate why they spend, get out of debt, and create a savings and retirement plan that even allows for the occasional splurge. Among the topics she covers: student loans, car payments, investing, saving for a home, and more.

Journal Entry 2 by EEastgate_OBCZ at LFL - Eastgate Drive E (2762) in Boise, Idaho USA on Sunday, April 3, 2022

Released 2 yrs ago (4/3/2022 UTC) at LFL - Eastgate Drive E (2762) in Boise, Idaho USA


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