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17 Forum Posts Found:

fedlev 4 yrs ago | 1 replies
[[It varies SO much because every book, every reader, every restaurant is different that I personally don't think you can generalize. I've left literally thousands of books in restaurants. Some have had good catch rate…

fedlev 4 yrs ago | 3 replies
[[is a great data source, link for automatic pdf download: ]] Thank you! Fantastic work. I see it confirms the insight that restaurants are good for wild rel…

fedlev 4 yrs ago | 1 replies
[[[[the only "hard" numbers I found are the 1-2 % figure for a big sample of crossing zones in Germany ]] That number is about releases in public bookshelves and other book exchanges, not all types of crossing zones. A …

fedlev 4 yrs ago | 12 replies
I have read several interesting threads on what are the best locations for a wild release, in terms of how many released books get found or receive a journal entry: h…

fedlev 4 yrs ago
[[Mostly, I've found that I get more JEs in two situations-- when the release is very themed (I'm guessing because people who are in those places are likely to be interested in subject matter relating to them), and when …

fedlev 4 yrs ago
[[ Might remind your friends that posting in German/French/Italian is just fine even if the book is English language. ]] This is good advice. Always consider the effort: most people do not usually write even a senten…

fedlev 4 yrs ago | 1 replies
[[We've been releasing there since 2003 according to the oldest dates and it looks like there were 5,346 books released there over the years that were never "caught." That doesn't mean they are still there, they've all b…

fedlev 4 yrs ago | 1 replies
[[I evaluated several thousand releases at some public bookshelves in Germany recently and found that if I don't count catches by active bookcrossers (who journal everything that has a BCID anyway), journal rates typical…

fedlev 4 yrs ago
[[I did look at KoHa. It doesn't seem that it prints cards for the catalog although there is a user who has made an update to print cards.]] I'm pretty sure that Koha Suomi supports the feature. It's used in dozens o…

fedlev 4 yrs ago
Vispateresa ha ragione, forse dipende anche da quella che un'amica ha chiamato la funzione decorativa della lettura: . C'è un certo feticismo pe…

fedlev 4 yrs ago | 1 replies
Some of the stories above are heartbreaking or very funny, but they're usually about books whose story and travel you *know*. I'm more afraid of the opposite: the thousands or millions of books which were released and ne…

fedlev 4 yrs ago
Trees are apparently effective for wild releases:

fedlev 4 yrs ago | 2 replies
I usually manage to reuse all plastic bags for other purposes, thank you for thinking of reuse. The release bags are admittedly quite cost effective!/Release-Bags-English/p/2007207/…

fedlev 4 yrs ago | 1 replies
That's very sad indeed. Had you used a visible sticker or bag?

fedlev 4 yrs ago
Carino: Non riesco però a trovare un utente per questa libreria Luxemburg o Luxembourg dalla ricerca (non ho provato la lista: https://www.bookc…

fedlev 4 yrs ago elenca quattro posizioni usate nell'ultimo mese.

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