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1132 Forum Posts Found:

zugenia 15 yrs ago | 1 replies
Those readers familiar with Bronte's novel will be the best-equipped to appreciate the first book of Jasper Fforde's literary fantasy series...

zugenia 15 yrs ago
that I was a huge baby, rippling in chub, born to a tiny mother, and all of my dad's siblings called me "Sumo" for the first year of my life. Ten years later, it had changed to "Stringbean."

zugenia 15 yrs ago | 1 replies
Here's a tangentially related story that may help you smile. At least it makes me smile. Ome of my best friends from grad school recently visited me and met my new puppy for the first time. Whenever she cuddled with t…

zugenia 15 yrs ago | 52 replies
As I was just emptying the dishwasher, I thought to myself, "Man, I HATE emptying the dishwasher!" Then I thought, "Man, what a weird thing to hate!" But there it is. I hate emptying the dishwasher, taking out the tra…

zugenia 15 yrs ago | 4 replies
From Dracula to The League of Extraordinary Gentleman, a graphic novel by Alan Moore. Do NOT be fooled by the movie, which I thought was terrible. The book is witty, literate, and features the amazing Mina Harker.

zugenia 15 yrs ago
I'm one of those who laughed out loud. I think it's a work of comic genius.

zugenia 15 yrs ago | 1 replies
My mom sent me his number after asking him what kinds of things he prayed for every day, and one of his answers was, "That one day there will be female priests in the Catholic church." That's my kind of Catholicism. :)

zugenia 15 yrs ago | 13 replies
that this is a bizarre and archaic interpretation of procreation, even for the Catholic church. Even if it remains committed to marriage as primarily reproductive, the church fully recognizes adopted children as members…

zugenia 15 yrs ago
I am very allergic to "working out." But I recently adopted a tireless puppy, so I walk a couple of miles with her every day, and 2 or 3 times a week my fiance and I take her on a more strenuous hike in the woods. We n…

zugenia 15 yrs ago
As if feeling crummy weren't enough, not knowing what's wrong can be equally as draining. I hope things turn up soon.

zugenia 16 yrs ago | 6 replies
I refuse to believe that no one has read Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, even though I haven't. Or we could go back to The Book Thief...

zugenia 16 yrs ago
But I promise you that when I make it through today, I'll join you for a cold one. :)

zugenia 16 yrs ago | 11 replies
So our poor princess of a cat, who recently endured the addition of a puppy to our household, also endured the consequences of our poor decision to buy a big bag of the cheapo cat food at Sam's Club -- i.e., meal after m…

zugenia 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
It is a beautiful, charmed city. Fewer dirigibles in real life, though. By the way, did you see this New Yorker piece on Milton? It's pretty great:…

zugenia 16 yrs ago
It was a library book, so no BCID, but here's what I wrote in my reader's journal: Reading books like The Golden Notebook makes me nostalgic for a bygone and perhaps purely imaginary moment when the narcissism of auth…

zugenia 16 yrs ago | 3 replies
Another excellent fantasy trilogy. Also, both Tolkein and Pullman attended Oxford's Exeter College, where I also spent a year!

zugenia 16 yrs ago | 10 replies
Life is never dull with a puppy around, I'll tell you that much. Every day I find a delightful new surprise in her mouth or deposited somewhere I'm destined to step. For a while she was carrying her poop in from out back…

zugenia 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
I accidentally posted a non-book-related thing here (meant for Chit Chat), so I'll take this opportunity to say that I'm currently reading The Dogs of Bedlam Farm by Jon Katz and I LOVE it. He almost makes me want to bu…

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