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51 Forum Posts Found:

artistkate 19 yrs ago
for your money. You can walk La Rambla in Madrid or look at art galleries in Barcelona. Go for "pinchos" (tapas) in one of the many bars. We enjoyed Spain heaps more than many parts of italy and france. It very bright …

artistkate 19 yrs ago | 1 replies
My partner and I did a day trip there in July of this year and it was beautiful- soaring white cliffs and deep blue sea. Ana capri is a town on the top of Capri, you travel by mini-bus around bends with breath-taking she…

artistkate 20 yrs ago
If you have a copy that you would like to trade, sell or swap please let me know!

artistkate 20 yrs ago
Does anyone have a copy of "Meat free meals" by Alison Holst, that they would be willing to part with? I am borrowing a friends copy at the moment and find it excellent for starting out vegetarians and would really like …

artistkate 20 yrs ago
living room decor- they dont actually buy it because they like or know anything about art. But then again have you ever been drawn to some of the really old books in the bookshops that have old art-noveau style lettring…

artistkate 20 yrs ago
each time. And Jackie Collins- I think she relies on ths "shock" value of her over the top sexed up characters to sell any books.

artistkate 20 yrs ago
a bit to mills and bonny or Danielle steelish for me e.g rich tall dark handsome brooding man rescues woman who has been screwed over by her previous partner and who is now trying to desperately stop her self from fallin…

artistkate 20 yrs ago
I was just wondering cos this book had a real impact on me, seeing how terribly women are treated in another culture - and how it is seen as accepatabe!- was a real eye opener for me . THe part where it said that no-one…

artistkate 20 yrs ago
Irally like abstract work if it is done as a means of expresion- not stuff that is created to match the decor in your lounge room! There is so much of that churned out stuff at the moment. How long has your friend been …

artistkate 20 yrs ago
life, and for your work to be of a good enough standard to be recognised as good by others in the industry?

artistkate 20 yrs ago | 2 replies
I would love to be a full time painter! It is one of my (Many) dreams to be a good enough artist to have a joint or solo exhibition one day! What style does your friend do and what are her favourite subjects to paint. Te…

artistkate 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
I do have a friend who writes poetry and does bookreviews as a sideline to her everyday job. I don't think she makes much or any money out of it, but its what she loves to do, so she does it. What sortof technical writin…

artistkate 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
Well like you I did art in highschool and graphic design at university for 6 months before i dropped out due to parts of my life that needed sorting out before I could go on.....6 years later I have managed to do that an…

artistkate 20 yrs ago
long? What medium do you prefer to work in? Did you find it very hard to break into the market? What type of area do you work in most?

artistkate 20 yrs ago | 2 replies
back into it. I left graphic design to go get a "real job" in the"real world" and have regretted it ever since. Is Idibef contactable via bookcrossing?

artistkate 20 yrs ago | 24 replies
If so how did you do it?

artistkate 20 yrs ago | 19 replies
THe last few novels seem to be quite weak compared to the first three.

artistkate 20 yrs ago | 3 replies
characters (elizabeth and jessica) were "Perfect size sixes" - I am sorry but size six is not a "normal" size for clothing over here in Australia (most people that small have to shop in "petites" or childrens section unf…

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