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855 Forum Posts Found:

ajijic 14 yrs ago
HI: Healing vibes coming her way. I've been away from the forum for 5 months due to an illness. I got a terrible shock when I saw the new format. The old one was so simple and this one will be once I figure it out. I re…

ajijic 14 yrs ago
although they were tasty and delicious,I think other desserts are just as tasty or better. The fun part is using straws and dunking them in milk and making a mess.

ajijic 14 yrs ago | 1 replies
when I was 13 years old. It came in a case and I used it for years and years (I received it it in 1957) and when it was so old my father used it. I've just had it repaired and cleaned and keep it in my little office. It …

ajijic 14 yrs ago
1. Clean out the clutter and keep only what is important. 2.Start crocheting again. 3.Cook more. 4.Have a larger herb garder and 5.Improve my Spanish (we may want to move to Mexico). When I was younger, my backpack was f…

ajijic 14 yrs ago | 7 replies
been passed on from previous generations or are you starting your own? This isn't a tradition, but tonight we went to Portland Oregon's "The Grotto's Annual Christmas Festival of Lights". It was beautiful. It was cold b…

ajijic 14 yrs ago | 3 replies
long lashes in 8 weeks, nevermind the possible side effects of permanant change in areas or your iris or a possible reversible color change to your eyelids. This is scary.

ajijic 14 yrs ago
watch them. Maybe the fear of rabies frightens some people. I think they have sweet faces.

ajijic 14 yrs ago | 1 replies
She's a puppy, so she will probably outgrow this, but I can see why you are worried. Have you tried a Kong toy. They are almost indestructable, and keep the dogs happy. We have one where you stuff food and treats, like s…

ajijic 14 yrs ago | 1 replies
Zahra (Swahili) for flower, Maika (Japanese) for dancing flower, Leia (Hawaiian) for heavenly flowers.

ajijic 14 yrs ago | 15 replies
I was listening to a radio discussion about tipping and a consensus was never reached on this. Some people said they do because the tips are given to the kitchen staff. Others thought that since they went to the restaura…

ajijic 14 yrs ago | 16 replies
I'm glad that you will be getting some relief from the heat and that there are no fires. I'm a little "jealous" (just kidding) that you may be getting thunderstorms. I'm from Missouri, the mid-west of the states and besi…

ajijic 14 yrs ago | 1 replies
She was in the hospital for 2 days and it took about 2 weeks to recover and return to work. There were no complications. All surgeries have some risk, but most appendectomies have a very favorable outcome

ajijic 14 yrs ago
I usually use tea bags, but I don't think they compare with loose tea. I'm a real tea-lover,so I like all flavors.

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