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Age 53
Joined Sunday, March 28, 2004
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Extended Profile
I am a SAHM (for now) of one bright little girl who already loves books at the age of 4. I am rarely found without a book. I am the proud owner of a 12 (or is it 13 now) page Amazon wishlist. Luckily (for my wallet), most of those books are on my library list rather than must have list. Which would also explain my small list here. I get most of my reading material from the library. Buy books was a sacrifice I made when I decided to stay home with my daughter. No job, no splurges. While books are a necessity to life, like food and water, buy them is not because we have a fabulous library system here in Pittsburgh.

Bleh, ok that is enough about me. Probably more than anyone is interested in reading.

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