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Then draw, paint, photograph, knit... a label for the 2025 International BookCrossing Day label contest! But hurry, it closes January 31. Read all about it here!
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From Maidstone, Kent United Kingdom
Age 53
Joined Saturday, January 10, 2004
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 1,165
released in the wild 0 1,040
controlled releases 0 0
releases caught 0 141
controlled releases caught 0 0
books found 0 86
tell-a-friend referrals 0 34
new member referrals 0 19
forum posts 0 72
Extended Profile

I’ve been nagged by certain members of BCUK to have a hug button, so here it is! height="40" width="240" title="HUGS">

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Hi! I'm 36 years old, divorced (happily!) with a beautiful 12 year old son (MantisMad on Bookcrossing, due to his love of bugs, insects and creepy crawlies in general) I
I've always loved reading and most of my favourite childhood memories involve books (my father reading Now We Are Six in his wonderful monotone, and my Nana snuggling up with the Famous Five books...) My sister would write books for me too, at the tender age of 5, about a rabbit called Flopsy, I think! They came complete with illustrations and I thought they were wonderful.

I was trying to get through the top 100 books from the BBC Big Read (58 read!), but have decided to abandon it, as there are so many books that I want to read that aren't on the list.

I enjoy wild releasing (although I find it terrifying...) and have had a few catches now. I’ve decided to list them here, and so have trawled through my shelf to find them all. I’m glad I did –36 wild catches and three have been released and caught again!

Wild Catches:

Some of the books I'm hoping to read:

Huge thanks to those bookcrossers who have already helped me out with some of them :o) Many thanks to Cliff1976 for this site.

I'm also signed up to Yahoo's UK Bookcrossing Group - a friendly, sometimes slightly mad, bunch of Bookcrossers who don't necessarily come from the UK! Come and join us here!

Books Read In 2005:" id="flickr_www">

acanthium32's photos tagged with[email protected]?... align="left" width="48" height="48"> More of acanthium32's photos

I read recipes the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and say, “Well, that’s not going to happen!”Anon

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