Can You Keep a Secret?
Registered by 3D3D on 4/2/2004
11 journalers for this copy...

Just bought this at Costco. Can't wait to start as I love this author.
I will send out as a bookring when I am done.
The author of the Shopaholic trilogy offers up a delightful new novel, filled with her trademark wit and humor. When her plane en route from Glasgow to London experiences horrible turbulence, Emma Corrigan is convinced she is going to die. She babbles all of her most intimate thoughts and secrets to the handsome American man sitting next to her. But the plane lands safely, and Emma bids him an awkward good-bye. When she enters the office on Monday and learns the CEO of the company, Jack Harper, is in for a visit, Emma is horrified to learn Jack is actually the man in whom she confided on the flight. He knows everything, including that she hates her job and that she is not quite sure she loves her boyfriend. But Jack does not fire her on the spot; instead, he quietly replaces the office coffeemaker she hates and gives her advice about her personal life, which she finds infuriating. So why can't she stop thinking about him? Kinsella has another irresistible hit on her hands
Inside Flap Copy
With the same wicked humor, buoyant charm, and optimism that have made her Shopaholic novels beloved international bestsellers, Sophie Kinsella delivers a hilarious new novel and an unforgettable new character. Meet Emma Corrigan, a young woman with a huge heart, an irrepressible spirit, and a few little secrets:
Secrets from her mother:
I lost my virginity in the spare bedroom with Danny Nussbaum while Mum and Dad were downstairs watching Ben-Hur.
Sammy the goldfish in my parents? kitchen is not the same goldfish that Mum gave me to look after when she and Dad were in Egypt.
Secrets from her boyfriend:
I weigh one hundred and twenty-eight pounds. Not one eighteen, like Connor thinks.
I?ve always thought Connor looks a bit like Ken. As in Barbie and Ken.
From her colleagues:
When Artemis really annoys me, I feed her plant orange juice. (Which is pretty much every day.) It was me who jammed the copier that time. In fact, all the times.
Secrets she wouldn?t share with anyone in the world:
My G-string is hurting me.
I have no idea what NATO stands for. Or even what it is.
Until she spills them all to a handsome stranger on a plane. At least, she thought he was a stranger.
But come Monday morning, Emma?s office is abuzz about the arrival of Jack Harper, the company?s elusive CEO. Suddenly Emma is face-to-face with the stranger from
the plane, a man who knows every single humiliating detail about her. Things couldn?t possibly get worse?Until they do.
I will send out as a bookring when I am done.
The author of the Shopaholic trilogy offers up a delightful new novel, filled with her trademark wit and humor. When her plane en route from Glasgow to London experiences horrible turbulence, Emma Corrigan is convinced she is going to die. She babbles all of her most intimate thoughts and secrets to the handsome American man sitting next to her. But the plane lands safely, and Emma bids him an awkward good-bye. When she enters the office on Monday and learns the CEO of the company, Jack Harper, is in for a visit, Emma is horrified to learn Jack is actually the man in whom she confided on the flight. He knows everything, including that she hates her job and that she is not quite sure she loves her boyfriend. But Jack does not fire her on the spot; instead, he quietly replaces the office coffeemaker she hates and gives her advice about her personal life, which she finds infuriating. So why can't she stop thinking about him? Kinsella has another irresistible hit on her hands
Inside Flap Copy
With the same wicked humor, buoyant charm, and optimism that have made her Shopaholic novels beloved international bestsellers, Sophie Kinsella delivers a hilarious new novel and an unforgettable new character. Meet Emma Corrigan, a young woman with a huge heart, an irrepressible spirit, and a few little secrets:
Secrets from her mother:
I lost my virginity in the spare bedroom with Danny Nussbaum while Mum and Dad were downstairs watching Ben-Hur.
Sammy the goldfish in my parents? kitchen is not the same goldfish that Mum gave me to look after when she and Dad were in Egypt.
Secrets from her boyfriend:
I weigh one hundred and twenty-eight pounds. Not one eighteen, like Connor thinks.
I?ve always thought Connor looks a bit like Ken. As in Barbie and Ken.
From her colleagues:
When Artemis really annoys me, I feed her plant orange juice. (Which is pretty much every day.) It was me who jammed the copier that time. In fact, all the times.
Secrets she wouldn?t share with anyone in the world:
My G-string is hurting me.
I have no idea what NATO stands for. Or even what it is.
Until she spills them all to a handsome stranger on a plane. At least, she thought he was a stranger.
But come Monday morning, Emma?s office is abuzz about the arrival of Jack Harper, the company?s elusive CEO. Suddenly Emma is face-to-face with the stranger from
the plane, a man who knows every single humiliating detail about her. Things couldn?t possibly get worse?Until they do.

Good book. Not as funny as her Shopaholic series but still very good. Fun and enjoyable. I love this author nevertheless. Sort of a quick story but a nice read.
Will be setting up as a bookring shortly.
Will be setting up as a bookring shortly.

Set up a book ring for this book. Pls check out the Ring forum for details.

Book Ring Order:
1)brewster13, Manitoba, CDA
2)lauraloo29, Alberta, CDA
3)retrogirl1977, Ontario, CDA
4)MandMsmom, Conneticut, USA
5)tattsky26, California, USA
6)busybooklover, California, USA
7)needmorezoloft, Texas, USA
8)three104, Wisconsin, USA
9)Rrrcaron, New Hampshire, USA
10)bksfamly, Arizona, USA
11)WickedWordz, Florida, USA Here!
12)the screaming, Maryland, USA
13) Luintaurien, Nebraska, USA
14)PaigeTurner124, Texas, USA
Pls PM first!!!!
- Brujula Franche-Comte, France also wants to join. If the last person wants to send it they can. Pls PM first though!!!
- RoryG, Finland. If the book gets sent international they would be next on the list.
-katayoun, Iran. If the book gets sent international they would be next on the list.
- hengameh, Iran. If the book gets sent international they would be next on the list.
Then Back to me either here or from last person above!!

Released on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at Controlled Mail Release in N/A, Quebec Canada.
Mailed today to brewster123 as part of the bookring.
Mailed today to brewster123 as part of the bookring.

Received this in the mail today. It looks great - I'm looking forward to reading very soon. With 30 degree weather today, I'm on my way to the deck to read my current book, so I should be able to get to this one soon.
Thanks Doris, for the book and for the postcard!
Thanks Doris, for the book and for the postcard!

I started reading this book yesterday when I got it, and thought 'what a bunch of mindless patter'. But I kept reading because Emma's life made me giggle, and I wanted to see what, of all things, would pop up next. At page 150 I was telling my husband about this twit who blabbed to a stranger on a plane, and giggling the entire time. And I kept reading because I wanted to see what Emma, Connor, Paul, Jack, Lissy, and/or Jemima would do next. Then I took a bathroom break. Then I went right back to reading because I was hoping that Emma would be able to sort this entire mess out, and find some happiness despite her uncanny knack of attracting screw-ups to her life. And then it was 4 a.m. and I finished the book! So I had to stop reading about Emma, and Connor, Jack, Paul, Lissy and Jemima.
I don't think I've ever read a book that fast. It was easy reading (you'll notice I didn't change the mindless patter part), there isn't much brain-exercise in reading this book. Just a funny, enjoyable story about a girl who blabs her secrets on a plane to a 'stranger' who turns out to own the company she's working for, and is in town for a week! I haven't read anything by Kinsella before(no shopaholic), but may have to start because I really enjoyed this story. I really wanted to find out how it all played out, and the story was entertaining all the way through to the end. I would say this is a perfect vacation book - a story you can lose yourself in, with no need to re-evaluate yourself, or redefine your values etc. Just a great, funny, story.
Great book! Thank you for sharing doris! I wouldn't have read this had you not offered it ... so thank you very much!
I'll be wrapping this up and sending to lauraloo29 as soon as I get an address.
I don't think I've ever read a book that fast. It was easy reading (you'll notice I didn't change the mindless patter part), there isn't much brain-exercise in reading this book. Just a funny, enjoyable story about a girl who blabs her secrets on a plane to a 'stranger' who turns out to own the company she's working for, and is in town for a week! I haven't read anything by Kinsella before(no shopaholic), but may have to start because I really enjoyed this story. I really wanted to find out how it all played out, and the story was entertaining all the way through to the end. I would say this is a perfect vacation book - a story you can lose yourself in, with no need to re-evaluate yourself, or redefine your values etc. Just a great, funny, story.
Great book! Thank you for sharing doris! I wouldn't have read this had you not offered it ... so thank you very much!
I'll be wrapping this up and sending to lauraloo29 as soon as I get an address.

Address received. Mailed July 20 to lauraloo29.

This arrived today. Suddenly the postal system is working quickly?? :) I look forward to reading this. Thank you.

Started and finished today! It was a nice book. I found parts humourous and enjoyable. I did find myself getting frustrated with Emma. Thank you for sharing.
I'll be forwarding on as quickly as possible.
Going in the mail on Aug 16th. My apologies for the delay. :)
I'll be forwarding on as quickly as possible.
Going in the mail on Aug 16th. My apologies for the delay. :)

I loved this book. I hate to say this because I'm sure you all disagree but I think I liked this book better then the shopaholic books. The main character got on my nerves a few times. For instance, when she's at the family day and her parents show up but she's supposed to be meeting her boss, why woudln't she had just told her parents she had to meet the boss and she'd be right back? I just don't get it! hehe Also I don't understand why she let the cousin walk all over her? Why didn't she tell her parents? Still though I loved this book and I hope she writes a sequel.
I mailed this to MandMsmom on Sept. 2
I mailed this to MandMsmom on Sept. 2

I got this today in the mail!!! I can't wait to read it and unlike most of the other who have read this, I have not read the Shopaholic books yet. (I have them but haven't read them.) I am curious to see what I think since I haven't read the others. Thanks for sending so quickly!

I loved this book! I loved Emma! I think she is the bravest woman in the world because I would never in a million years show my face at work ever again. I loved Jack, do men like him really exist. I loved how Kinsella didn't make a big deal about whether he was good looking or not. (Ok...so the fact that he was rich was a big deal!) But, I think this is a marvelous book. I only wish that Emma would have punched Jemima out and ripped her clothes to shreds but it all worked out in the end. (I also hope that she nevers gets her diamond...women who play games shouldn't get to win in the end!)
I will be mailing this one out on Monday! Thanks doris for sharing! I loved this book!
I will be mailing this one out on Monday! Thanks doris for sharing! I loved this book!

Got this one the other day. I got midterm exams til Wednesday so ill probably start this off on thursday. I promise to be good and read.

I really loved this book. I never got through chapter 3 of shopaholic (though i may pursue it again) but i finished this book real quick. I like Emma and I love Jack and i just hate Jemima... man she's crazy. :)
well, anyway..im about to PM busybooklover for her addy to get this book traveling once again.
well, anyway..im about to PM busybooklover for her addy to get this book traveling once again.

postal release to next in RING... Three104!

Arrived in mail today. I am almost done with current book, will probably start this tomorrow.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but I loved it! I have only read the 1st Shopaholic book but think this was much better. I was giggling like mad. My DH kept asking me 'what?' I loved the way Jack remembered everything she told him and used them to his advantage. Like when he pounced on Kerry at the picnic. Score! I never would have gone back to work after the whole interview thing -- and it's not like they let her live it down, they kept on and on.
So, I really enjoyed it, and would recommend it. Thanks for the opportunity.
I sent it out today to Rrrcaron. Hope you like it too.
So, I really enjoyed it, and would recommend it. Thanks for the opportunity.
I sent it out today to Rrrcaron. Hope you like it too.

I received this in the mail today. I hope to start it soon.

Sending this book on to bksfamly on Monday. Got behind on my rings due to other circumstances, but will read this one at a later date. Sorry I held it so long!

received in the mail today. Will read as soon as I finished my current book.
Great book, I found it funny and enjoyable. It's a very quick read.
Great book, I found it funny and enjoyable. It's a very quick read.

Journal Entry 25 by bksfamly at Controlled Release in -- Mail or by hand-ring, RABCK, meetings, Arizona USA on Thursday, April 21, 2005
Released 19 yrs ago (4/22/2005 UTC) at Controlled Release in -- Mail or by hand-ring, RABCK, meetings, Arizona USA

Recieved weeks ago, but didn't have a computer available to journal it. My apoligies. This looks like a really cute book. I have a couple of books to read first, but I'll try and do that as fast as I can. Thanks for including me in this ring, I appreciate it :)

Finally read this book, it was totally cute!! I will certainly read more books by Kinsella. PMing next in line. Thanks again for letting me read this book.
The remaining people in this ring have opted out, so in true bookcrossing fashion, I'll send it on another trip.
Members so far:
1) Campinghamster (USA)
2) Rebeccaljames (USA)
3) Pitluv4 (Canada)
4) Martjxox (Italy)
5) EmgeeNL (Netherlands)
6) Ababaigalit (Isreal)
7) Mozette (Austrailia)
------> Back to me (with lots of postcards I hope) :-)
The remaining people in this ring have opted out, so in true bookcrossing fashion, I'll send it on another trip.
Members so far:
1) Campinghamster (USA)
2) Rebeccaljames (USA)
3) Pitluv4 (Canada)
4) Martjxox (Italy)
5) EmgeeNL (Netherlands)
6) Ababaigalit (Isreal)
7) Mozette (Austrailia)
------> Back to me (with lots of postcards I hope) :-)