Vote for the 2025 BC Day contest winner... again! New entries added!
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Age 24
Joined Wednesday, July 24, 2002
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Extended Profile


I love the concept of this site and what it represents. I LOVE to read and to share great books with others. Drop me a line and I am very open to exchanging and starting up bookrings! I really enjoy all genres but I am very into Chick Lit (esp. British). It is hard to find time to read when you work and have a busy life but I make the time as I enjoy it too much.

I am married and live in Pierrefonds. I just moved from Hudson, which is off the western tip of the island of Montreal. We moved at the end of May 2004 back to the island. I have more books to add but some are still in boxes so it will be a bit of time still. I have finished moving and we are up and running. Yippee, it is over!

Now, in October 2005, we are looking to buy another house and have started the adoption proceedings to adopt internationally from China. Words cannot describe how excited and happy we are. Life is busy but good!

Any book on my list is up for a book ring or book ray or a simple lending/exchange. If I haven't read it, I will be shortly and I can send it to you once I am done. Even still, I have a big TBR pile so PM and maybe I can send it and read it later. Permanent Collection books are up for those who might want to trade and return.

Just PM me and let's talk!

I am currently reading "Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married" by Marian Keyes

Also, that is my dog Daisy above! Is she not the cutest? I love her to bits! She had major surgery to fix a herniated cervical disc in October 2004. It was touch and go but now she is doing great! (October 2005)- One year later and things with Daisy are awesome. Back to her wonderful and crazy little self! Could not be happier or more thankful. YEAH!

Here is what is going on weatherwise where I live:" target="_blank"> width=124 height=175 border=0 alt="The WeatherPixie">

These are the rings I have started:

"Can You Keep A Secret?" by Sophie Kinsella Closed DEAD WITH WICKEDWORDZ
"Mr Maybe" by Jane Green Complete!!!
"Last Chance Saloon" by Marian Keyes Closed
"Boy Meets Girl" by Meg Cabot Closed DEAD WITH BOOKHARLOT
"The Other Side of the Story" by Marian Keyes Closed DEAD WITH PORTABLE-SOLACE
"Dating Without Novocaine" by Lisa Cach Closed DEAD WITH PORTABLE-SOLACE
"Undead and Unwed" by Mary-Janice Dickinson Closed Complete!!!
"Trace" by Patricia Cornwell Closed DEAD WITH PRINCESSAURORA
"A Night of Rain and Stars" by Maeve Binchy Bookray COMPLETE
"Monday Mourning" by Kathy Reichs Closed DEAD WITH CANDIECUTIE
"Son of a Witch" by Gregory Macguire Closed/Possibly lost in mail?!?

This is a link to Earthdances' shelf where the LIST is located. If you need it, it is a handy tool.

I am also a part of a few rings as well as Book Relays. A Huge Thank You to everyone who has set these up!!!

"Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim" by David Sedaris from CaptainJack - Complete
"The Trials of Tiffany Trott" by Isabel Wolff from labmomnm - Complete
"Seven Week Itch" by Victoria Corby from laura0141 - Complete
"Bet Me" by Jennifer Crusie from casseytara - Complete
"Come Together" by Josie Lloyd from tabyorky - Complete
"The Dirty Girls Social Club" by Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez from DrBrown - Complete
"Head Over Heels" by Jill Mansell from laura0141 - Complete
"Holidays on Ice" by David Sedaris from Stensler - Complete
"The Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Monk Kidd from AbbyR - Complete
"Nightime Is My Time" by Mary Higgins Clark from legs Complete
"Naked" by David Sedaris from g-hope - Complete
"Barrel Fever" by David Sedaris from SasquatchBR Not happening...dead!
"Girls Poker Night" by Jill Davis from illinicheme (Relay)
"Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister: A Novel" by George Macguire from MarahSulloy - Complete
"Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" by Ann Brashare from Seanan - Complete
"Pants on Fire" by Maggie Alderson from jenvince Asked to be skipped
"Good At Games" by Jill Mansell from laura0141 Stalled for the time being...
"A Greek God at the Ladies' Club" by Jenna McKnight from tattsky26 - Complete
"Undead and Unwed" by Mary Janice Dickinson from winery1955 (RABCK) Thanks!!!
"Undead and Unemployed" by Mary Janice Dickinson from BrynnSC- Complete
"Something Borrowed" by Emily Giffin from magykal22 (Trade) Thanks!!!
"Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination" by Helen Fielding from allbookedup Complete
"The Accidental Virgin" by Valerie Frankel from harveydachs (Trade) Thanks!!!
"Womens Interest/Humour Bookbox" from jacinta2000 - Complete
"Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser from ndspider - Complete
"Wedding Season" by Darcy Cosper from flakes "Take 2...Action!" - Complete
"Perfect Timing" by Jill Mansell from jeweleee It's dead! Too bad!
"Under the Boardwalk" by Carly Phillips from petfriday Asked to be skipped
"Little Altars Everywhere" by Rebecca Wells from kayters "It's dead Jim."
"Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West" by Gregory Macguire from kiwiwonder - Complete
"Breakfast at Stephanie's" by Sue Margolis from flakes - Complete
"The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold from lightwavz - Complete
"The Sweetest Taboo" by Carole Matthews from flakes- Complete
"Working Wonders" by Jenny Colgan from PrincessJCM - Complete
" Couldn't Keep It to Myself: Testimonies from Our Imprisoned Sisters" by Wally Lamb from spaceystacey - Asked to be skipped
"Spellbound" by Jane Greene from PrincessJCM- Complete
"Shopaholic & Sister" by Sophie Kinsella from havfaith - Complete
"Getting In Touch With Your Inner Bitch" by Elizabeth Hilts from sweetpea0678
"Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants Book 2 and Book 3" by Ann Brashares from seanan- Book 2 & 3 Complete
"Why Girls are Weird: A Novel" by Pamela Ribon from bookczuk - Complete
"24/7" by Jim Brown from chelseagirl - Complete
"American Girls About Town" by Various Authors from allbookedup - Dead as a doornail!
"Getting Personal" by Chris Manby from allbookedup - Dead as a doornail!
"Looking for Andrew McCarthy by Jenny Colgan from minx2012- Complete
"Eats, Shoots and Leaves" by Lynne Truss from Jenatleisure - Complete
"Nights of Rain and Stars" by Maeve Binchy from nancydotslash - Complete
"Bergdorf Blondes" by Plum Sykes from fsr44- Complete
"Rocky Horror Books/Journal 30th Anniversary ring" from AmyMS88 - Complete
"State of Fear" by Michael Crichton from Wiley90 - Complete
"The Making of Minty Malone" by Isabel Wollf from Intrycksflikka Dead with portable-solace
"Seven Sunny Days" by Chris Manby from Intrycksflikka Dead with portable-solace

"Ella Minnow Pea" by Mark Dunn from Daemonwolf Lost in the Mail
"Not on the Label: What Really Goes into the Food on Your Plate" by Felicity Lawrence from drutt - Asked to be skipped
"Barrel Fever" by David Sedaris from KarenZero - Complete
"Sex, Murder and a Double Latte" by Kyra Davis from DumbFox- Complete
"Ya-Yas in Bloom" by Rebecca Wells from Rrrcaron - Dead as a doornail
"Surprise Bookring #2" from cat02886 - Dead as a doornail
"The Year of Living Famously" by Laura Caldwell from sydney2259 - Dead as a doornail
"His n' Hers" by Mike Gayle from Sublevel4 - Complete
"Adrian Mole and the Weapons of Mass Destruction" by Sue Townsend from Molyneux - Complete
"One for the Money" by Janet Evanovich from 16stepper
"3rd Degree" by James Patterson from cratclif - Complete
"Nothing Bad Ever Happens in Tiffany's" by Marian Keyes from nice-cup-of-tea - Complete
"Smart vs. Pretty" by Valerie Frankel from beckerbuns - Complete
"Solo" by Jill Mansell from asterw - Asked to be skipped
"No Dress Rehearsal" by Marian Keyes from Hellie - Dead as a doornail
"Cross Bones" by Kathy Reichs from jamesmum - Complete
"Old School Ties" by Kate Harrison from Drusillamac
"Enchanted Inc." by Shanna Swendson from SheWhoReads
"Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder" by Joanne Fluke from scotsbookie - Possibly Lost in Mail!?!
"Bridget Jones' Diary - The First Columns" by Helen Fielding from Smurphie - Complete
"Getting Over Jack Wagner" by Elisa Juske from andrea1982
"Bridget Jones'Guide to Life" by Helen Fielding from sabeena29 - Complete
"The Undomestic Goddess" by Sophie Kinsella from tempestsans - Complete
"Goodnight Nobody" by Jennifer Weiner from valentina1209
"Little Earthquakes" by Jennifer Weiner from indygo88 - Asked to be skipped
"Undead and Unappreciated" by Mary Janice Davidson from Sidney1220 - Complete
"S is for Silence" by Sue Grafton from tobysrus - Complete

Keep smilin!

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" width="250" height="300" border="0" alt="my pet!">
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Your Icecream Flavour is...Chocolate!" align=right>You are the all time favorite, chocolate! Turning white kids black since the 1800s. Staining carpets, car seats, and bed sheets for centuries. One thing is for sure, you will never go out of style. You can't go wrong with chocolate!
What is your Icecream Flavour?

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D Dreamy
O Overwhelming
R Rounded
I Industrious
S Sweet

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Yea, verily: Who is that, prowling on the mountains! It is Doris, hands clutching two hardened pitas! And with a low bellow, her voice cometh:

"In the name of malice, I lay waste to the landscape until Satan himself emerges from the pit to thank me!"

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