The Earth Hums in B Flat
Registered by InvisibleAng of Belfast, Co. Antrim United Kingdom on 12/14/2012
This book is in a Controlled Release!

2 journalers for this copy...

Journal Entry 1 by InvisibleAng from Belfast, Co. Antrim United Kingdom on Friday, December 14, 2012
I took a little while to get into this but then really loved it. Gwenni is 11 and growing up in 1950s Wales. She flies in her sleep, loves to read and write stories, and is determined to solve the mystery of a local man's disappearance. But her own family's secrets get dredged up in the process...

To be released as part of the First Lines game at the BCNI Christmas party.
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Thank you for picking up this book, and I hope you enjoy it. You have not only found yourself a book, but a whole community of book-lovers dedicated to sharing books with each other and the world at large.
I hope you will make a journal entry letting me know that this book has found a good home with you. You can do this anonymously if you wish. When you finish the book, please visit here again and share what you thought about the book.
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Caught at the 2012 Belfast Bookcrossers Christmas party as part of the 'First Lines' game (first line: 'I fly in my sleep every night')

Moving this up the TBR list!

I LOVED this book! It was as Angeline said, slow to start, but by halfway through I just couldn't put it down! It's a detective novel set in 1950s Wales featuring young Gwenni Morgan - who is fond of strawberry whip, detective stories and difficult questions. She's good at finding clues, but rarely understands what she knows. The story is told from Gwenni's point of view so the reader both shares her incomprehension when faced with the adult world and can piece together the secrets that Gwenni cannot.

Journal Entry 6 by peaceangel at The John Hewitt Bar in Belfast, Co. Antrim United Kingdom on Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Released 11 yrs ago (6/11/2013 UTC) at The John Hewitt Bar in Belfast, Co. Antrim United Kingdom
Thank you for picking up this book & I hope you enjoy it. You have not only found yourself a book, but a whole community of book-lovers dedicated to sharing books with each other and the world at large.
I hope you will make a journal entry letting me know that this book has found a good home with you. You can do this anonymously if you wish. When you finish the book, please visit here again and share what you thought about the book.
Feel free to read and keep the book, or pass it on to a friend, or even set it free 'in the wild' for someone else to find like you did.
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If you do decide to join BookCrossing, please tell them that peaceangel sent you.
I hope you enjoy the BookCrossing experience!
I hope you will make a journal entry letting me know that this book has found a good home with you. You can do this anonymously if you wish. When you finish the book, please visit here again and share what you thought about the book.
Feel free to read and keep the book, or pass it on to a friend, or even set it free 'in the wild' for someone else to find like you did.
If you register you will be alerted by email each time someone makes another journal entry. It's completely confidential (you're known only by your screen name and no-one is ever given your email address), totally free, and spam-free.
If you do decide to join BookCrossing, please tell them that peaceangel sent you.
I hope you enjoy the BookCrossing experience!

To the book finder - :-) Hello! What you have in your hands is an honest-to-goodness gift, no strings attached. You may; keep it forever and ever or; pass it on to a friend or; release it, like I did - into the wild! If you are new to bookcrossing and decide to re-release this book I hope you take moment to browse the website. I know it may seem a little curious to find this book “lying around waiting to be picked up by a passer by” but it's my way of touching the lives of others in a positive way, with the hope that it made your day. As for the book - Travel safely and well!