Titles by Jean-Pierre Changeux

L'homme neuronal
category Science
ISBN: 2010096355
Copies Registered: 2
Neuronal Man: The Biology of Mind
category Science
ISBN: 0195042263
Copies Registered: 1
O Homem Neuronal
category Science
Copies Registered: 1
Il bello, il buono, il vero
category Science
ISBN: 9788860306210
Copies Registered: 1
L'homme neuronal
category Unknown
ISBN: 2010096355
Copies Registered: 1
L'uomo neuronale
category Science
ISBN: 8807100096
Copies Registered: 1
Neuronal Man - The Biology of Mind
category Health, Mind & Body
Copies Registered: 1
The Physiology of Truth: Neuroscience and Human Knowledge (Mind/Brain/Behavior Initiative)
category Science
ISBN: 0674032608
Copies Registered: 1

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