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List now available!
by GrammaAnnie
February 1, 2005
Have you ever wondered how many BookCrossers have had books published? Would you like to know who they are and the titles of their books? Have you wanted to support BookCrossing by using affiliate websites to purchase books by BC authors but didn't know where to go to get the information you needed?

Are you a BookCrossing member who has had a book published? Have you wished that you could tell your fellow BookCrossers about the book you have written?

Good news! I have compiled a list of BC authors and their books. TexasWren has kindly designed a webpage for the list at Wren’s Crossing. Look for the section called “BookCrossing Authors”, or click here to go directly to it.

The list is currently limited to books written in English or with an English translation. TexasWren is eagerly anticipating that comparable lists will be compiled and submitted in other languages. If you would like to undertake a similar project in a language other than English, she would like to hear from you. Click here to send her a PM (Private Message) any time.

If you are considering purchasing a book, don't forget to use the BC affiliate websites as BookCrossing will receive a small commission. A few of the books are out-of-print. To find an out-of-print book, you can use one of the BC affiliate websites that carry out-of-print books, like Alibris or Abebooks. When making your purchase, please be sure to click through from our Buy Books page, so that BookCrossing gets credit for sending you their way!

If you are a BookCrosser who has had a book published, and would like your book listed, go to the webpage and follow the instructions given there. If you are an author whose book is listed, please check your entry. If you see an error, please send a PM.

TexasWren and I agree that it has been both a pleasure and a delight to do the work to make this list available to you. It has been a very genuine “labor of love”. All we ask is that you make use of the list and fully ENJOY!

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