
Book Search

58 Forum Posts Found:

candlelovr3 19 yrs ago | 4 replies
Yep, I need to get some of these that I know I will not read (those not by any of my favorite authors or part of a series I am interested in) off my property. SOOO, if there is anyone out there that would like these, let…

candlelovr3 19 yrs ago | 3 replies
Anyone that is interested in getting some, please PM me with what books you'd like and if it is available, I will send more info to you. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take some off my hands.

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago
king for several titles in this romance series. Please let me know if you have any in this series. Thanks!

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago
Maybe it has been a couple weeks since I got a newsletter. But I don't think so. There has been a lot going on in the family. I think I do remember reading about a trial in the newsletter, but I just go to my favs an…

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago | 3 replies
I went to the bathroom and my page was like yesterday. Came back a little later after reading a chapter in a book (didn't read in the bathroom. LOL) and refreshed and it was totally differnt! This just snuck up on me. I …

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
I agree with you. I have 3 boys, ages 12, almost 8 and 4. I expect that my older 2 KNOW that it is wrong to kill someone. We are working on our 4 year old. I think in most ways he knows that too. I think by 16 they are r…

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago
I just got back from my local Wal Mart (there are grocery bags all over the place, I couldn't wait to tell) and I came haome with her new book SHADOW GAME. The bookstores won't sell it until the 26th, but check WM to see…

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
That's a good idea. Any one else have something they need to mail to nikel27?

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago | 4 replies
I have about 7 books to mail to a fellow BCer in Germany and I was wondering how anyone else mails them. Last time I mailed to her it was over $18. I have heard of M that usually cheaper? HELP!!!

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago
I usually get the bubble mailers from our local WalMart. Or if I have more than a couple, I get the mailing boxes they sell. They each cost no more than a dollar. Another thing I do is get the priority mail boxes from th…

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
I have TONS of books sitting that I need to get rid of so I have room for my TBR books. Please let me know if you'd like any.

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago
I HAVEN"T FORGOTTEN!! Promise. Payday is today (woohoo!!!) and I plan on going to PO tomorrow morning, although tonight and tomorrow are busy days for us. One of the bands my hubby is in is the very first act at the Cros…

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago | 2 replies
I have lots on my shelf that is TBR. Have even had BCers ask for some. I try to get them read and out asap. Sometimes, I find, I really don't want to read the book that they ask for and I'll send without reading. It does…

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago
Well, I have been checking out amazon and found a bunch of great deals on lots of books I want. I started a wish list and plan to send it to family or just get them when I have extra money. I am also watching some of the…

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago
I forgot about! I just found several books I want there for under $2. ANd I wrote down both those sites and I am gonna check every time I have a little extra money. Some of the ones I want are a little higher, b…

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
Ya know, I did email the winner. And she responded! I was shocked. Said she just won 3 seperate auctions for the same author, so I sent her a list of the ones I need and I am hoping she has some of them and will sell the…

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago | 10 replies
AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I just can't begin to express how bummed out I am! I was bidding on some Shannon Drake novels on ebay and at the very last second (I am not kidding-it was THE LAST SECOND) someone out bid me. I alw…

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago
I live in Kingsville and it's famous for being home of the King Ranch.

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago
I can't imagine any one doing that and yet, I know it happens all the time. Hubby and I fume about people like that all the time. The teller that said that to your client is one that you just want to take in a back alley…

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago
TW~get crackin'! for those other 2 grandkids. My hubby is the more creative of us. He writes lots of songs and the kids love it when he writes some for them.

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago
I have not been to a book fair, but I love to go into B&N or Walden books~OKAY, ANY bookstore~ and HUNT, yes...HUNT for books. I have several hard back books that would have sold for over$20 or $30 and picked them up for…

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago | 9 replies
Um....yes, I have a couple things put away. Have someone else read them? UH-UH, NO WAY. They started out as kind of life experiences when hubby and I were having problems several years ago. NO ONE and I do mean NOOOO ONE…

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago
Haven't actually counted, but I know my TBR pile is over 100. I got some lots off ebay and that was a total of 73 books, plus I already had tons here that I haven't read. I, too am afraid to count them... Theresa~who …

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago | 7 replies
I know what you mean. I HORDE books!! I have boxes full of books~3 I need to read and 1 for release. And even though my TBR "pile" is huge, I still look for books I want. I haven't banned BUYING them yet, but hubby might…

candlelovr3 20 yrs ago
I want to know all reviews. When I register a book, I usually try to leave how I felt about it. Not always, but I try. I will especially tell if I could not get into a book after a few pages. It is the same with movies~I…

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