It's a new month... time for some new bug fixes!
While Matt is still working on harnessing the book data that we all have contributed to, and making it available for searches, he's also been rather busy fixing other things, and even adding some nifty little features. Read all about it in this Announcements forum post.


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3519 Forum Posts Found:

boirina 13 yrs ago | 1 replies
O nosso chama-se Moix (pron. Mosh), que significa gato em catalão. Em Portugal era um nome origina. Agora que voltamos para Maiorca é um nome nada original. E eu tenho de explicar que o gato morava em Portugal... ;)

boirina 13 yrs ago
Depois de dois anos de voltar a Espanha temos claro que o nosso futuro estará em Maiorca e porém temos decidido vender a casa de Portugal. Publico aqui a notícia porque talvez podem conhecer a alguém interessada. Vamos a…

boirina 14 yrs ago | 2 replies
La tercera temporada no es maravillosa, pero la cuarta és una obra de arte. :)

boirina 14 yrs ago
Es el de camisa roja. Están cantando una canción tradicional de Mallorca. :)

boirina 14 yrs ago
> > I suggest meditation and yoga as ways > of > learning to deal with your > inner turmoil? > You can learn a > great deal about yourself > when > teaching your body and mind to relax > > and co-op…

boirina 14 yrs ago | 5 replies
a) Chemicals are in everything and chemistry runs everything. If you had heartburn, even if you don't do chemicals, I bet you'd try to avoid certain foods and you'd eat other foods that help with heartburn. That's chemis…

boirina 14 yrs ago | 2 replies
I really didn't expect this. :) And now that I'm here and I feel I have to answer because your kindness has been moving, let me tell you something. I know I don't come here so often, but... well, I've had some health …

boirina 14 yrs ago
Hoy me he pasado el día en la calle y cuando he vuelto a casa me he quedado dormida en el sofá. Gracias... y besos para todos. ;)

boirina 14 yrs ago | 2 replies
Thanks. It's been comforting to read it, really. I guess I feel a little guilty because a) I didn't really see her injured, and didn't notice how disabled she was. It was my husband who fled downstairs to pick her up…

boirina 14 yrs ago
These are very difficult days. No matter what we do, we always think of her. My husband seems to have a little more self-control than me. I end up crying for just about anything. Yesterday we went to Ikea to get some she…

boirina 14 yrs ago | 7 replies
Cuando la conocimos vivía en nuestra calle con otros 5 perros. Era muy desconfiada y tardó 5 meses en dejar que la tocáramos. Eso fue en agosto de 2005. Luego, una noche a principios de noviembre, cuando fuimos a llevarl…

boirina 14 yrs ago
Como no me dejen ampliar pronto la granja voy a tener que empezar a vender cosas, ya no me cabe nada.... Si necesitais vecinos boirina at gmail... eso. ;)

boirina 14 yrs ago | 6 replies
porque con mi portunhol horrible he tenido un 95% de aciertos. Eso sí... he usado mucha deducción, mucha lógica y tengo un buen conocimiento de la gramática castellana y catalana. Pero lo dicho, si yo tengo un 95% de aci…

boirina 14 yrs ago hay un aeropuerto cerca y lo sé con tiempo seguramente podré organizarme. :)

boirina 14 yrs ago
Ayer me encargaron 4 documentales sobre asesinos en serie (criaturas encantadoras), así que ahora me toca a mí quedarme trabajando. ;)

boirina 14 yrs ago | 1 replies
> Foi horrível ter de voltar naquela noite > para Lisboa, e é horrível estar aqui > sozinha. Sei que estão rodeados de muito > amor, carinho e atenção, mas o meu lugar é > ao pé deles. Se não posso estar com eles…

boirina 14 yrs ago
> les Arenes de Nimes. And have a spare > ticket! Grrrr... I'd take it, but I've already got tickets to see him in Palma on the 11th of August. ;) I can't get enough of Leonard Cohen, but attending a concert ev…

boirina 14 yrs ago | 1 replies
> I had to return to Lisbon last night and > can't rejoin them until Wednesday. I know > they are surrounded by wonderful caring > friends, but I can't help feeling horrible > for not being with them right now. I…

boirina 14 yrs ago | 2 replies
> It didn't make the news here- there was > another one much nearer to us in Jakarta, > and the other ones were overlooked in the > horror. So sad, so needless and stupid, > and so much grief for the rest of us. …

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