It's a new month... time for some new bug fixes!
While Matt is still working on harnessing the book data that we all have contributed to, and making it available for searches, he's also been rather busy fixing other things, and even adding some nifty little features. Read all about it in this Announcements forum post.


Book Search

26 Forum Posts Found:

SagaMockingbird 19 yrs ago
I've had a crush on him for years.

SagaMockingbird 19 yrs ago
I got about halfway through it and couldn't go any further. I just didn't get into it.

SagaMockingbird 19 yrs ago
I've almost finished "Faerie Wars" by Herbie Brennan. It's quite good. It's marketed as a Young Adult novel but it's a good read for anyone. I'm listening to "The Mists of Avalon" on audio in the truck. I'm almost th…

SagaMockingbird 20 yrs ago
You are doing the most important job in the world. I was a SAHM for 12 years and I'm glad I did it. I think it made a big difference in my kids. Now I work in a library.

SagaMockingbird 20 yrs ago
My Parents are 87 (mom) & 85 (dad). If my grandparents were still alive they would be between 112 & 124. I'm 46.

SagaMockingbird 20 yrs ago
You'd be horrified at the way some of the library books are returned especially in the childrens dept. We check our books more carefully than the adult dept. does and we find all sorts of strange stains and food stuck t…

SagaMockingbird 20 yrs ago
I would definitely give it to her. The book is very popular at our library and our patronage is very diverse. We have both teens and adults checking it out.

SagaMockingbird 20 yrs ago
of the Blessed Bodhisattva of Vaginal Compassion. It's a very selective order. So far there is the Reverend Blessed Mother Overload of the Personal Care Appliance, aka Sparky; Sister Weeno of the Sacred Dance, Sister T…

SagaMockingbird 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
The Tetherballs of Bougainville by Mark Leyner is great. I haven't laughed out loud while reading in a long time and this book certainly causes giggles.

SagaMockingbird 20 yrs ago | 29 replies
This is funny/ridiculous. I released a book at a local eatery while on my lunch break. I then had the opportunity to watch the woman with three kids and their reaction to it. The oldest girl (11-12 year old) read the …

SagaMockingbird 20 yrs ago
I read mysteries to get a break from reading heavier stuff.

SagaMockingbird 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
And I have "Snow Falling on Cedars" on audio in my truck. I'm enjoying them both.

SagaMockingbird 20 yrs ago | 2 replies
I've read it 3-4 times.

SagaMockingbird 20 yrs ago
After all, wasn't he the patron saint of librarians? I could be wrong, I'm Pagan, not Catholic.

SagaMockingbird 20 yrs ago
I believe what is being referred to as Paganism should actually be called Neo-Paganism. Neo-Paganism refers to any of the many earth-centered religions either recently created or loosely based on ancient religious belie…

SagaMockingbird 20 yrs ago
and I couldn't go any farther. I'm not sure which parts I disliked the most, the parts where the author was searching for his family history and dealing with the guide who was a poor imitation of Yakov Smirnoff or the h…

SagaMockingbird 20 yrs ago | 3 replies
I listen to a lot of audio books and found that just about anything read by George Guidall will be good--even if the book is mediocre. His reading is great--just enough inflection but not over-the-top. I listened to "C…

SagaMockingbird 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
I read "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" and think it was just dumb. Other people think it's fabulous. I think it's a rambling mess.

SagaMockingbird 20 yrs ago
by David Guterson and reading "The Tetherballs of Bougainville" by Mark Leyner and "Survivor" by Chuck Palahniuk Recently finished "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" and disliked it immensely. (I know I'll get slamm…

SagaMockingbird 20 yrs ago
That's so-so but my friend Robin is Gwendolyn Pineboard Lips. EEeeuw!

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