
Book Search

8 Forum Posts Found:

MicsSun 15 yrs ago
Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry I think wise children are always interesting.

MicsSun 16 yrs ago
thank you so much everyone! i tried the same as before and now it worked ;) must have been that bug! thanks for all the help, appreciate it! and if you happen to be around Budapest, Hungary, expect a book by Paul Auster …

MicsSun 16 yrs ago
oh, and thanks for the answer!

MicsSun 16 yrs ago | 2 replies
is what I click and it starts with 1) do it the easy way! - I don't even touch this step but it doesn't let me register without isbn. it says only that it needs the number for easy lookup and just doesn't let me proceed.…

MicsSun 16 yrs ago | 8 replies
hello everyone. I can't register any book because it always asks for the ISBN number. I know it's different with every country/publisher and of course it doesn't find Hungarian numbers on any listed amazon site there. Ho…

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