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63 Forum Posts Found:

Flossiesdoll 11 yrs ago
I think asking for money towards the honeymoon is tacky. I feel that wedding presents are about contributing to the couple's household. It's not my responsibility to pay for their holidays.

Flossiesdoll 14 yrs ago | 6 replies
I think jewellery on young children looks hideous, and I think piercings on babies and toddlers is disgusting. I don't think any child should be pierced until they're a teenager, and they should be asking for it themselv…

Flossiesdoll 14 yrs ago
> I would recommend seeing a pediatrist or > an Occupational Therapist. The pediatrist > can recommend shoes that may help gait and > balance. I've worked with people who's > ankles roll in and that was what we …

Flossiesdoll 17 yrs ago
macaroni pie, deep fried Mars bars, stovies, Irn Bru, Sean Connery, Billy Boyd, Robert Carlyle, Tom Conti, John Hannah, Alexander Fleming, Joseph Bell, Joseph Lister, Elsie Inglis, no smoking in public places, Scotland's…

Flossiesdoll 17 yrs ago | 1 replies
I've done 60 releases and had 11 journalled catches, which is nearly 20%! But none of my caught books have been journalled more than once. It makes me wonder why people would journal that they've caught it and then not j…

Flossiesdoll 17 yrs ago | 1 replies
Pumpkin & goat’s cheese lasagne 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 oz butter 1 onion, peeled and chopped 3 ½ lb pumpkin, skin and seeds removed, flesh cut into 1cm dice (weight after skin and seeds taken away about 1 ½ lb) …

Flossiesdoll 17 yrs ago
> H'mmm... this seems to be a very important > issue. The card I drew is: Judgement. > I'm using a particularly gentle deck, > today, and when I draw judgement with THIS > deck, this is what I see: overarching…

Flossiesdoll 17 yrs ago | 2 replies
My question would be "what shall I do about Neil?" Thank you!

Flossiesdoll 17 yrs ago | 1 replies
> H'mmm... the Moon. It's going to be an > eventful year, vis a vis your love-life. > But completely unpredictable! And chance > are you aren't going to know, yourself, > from one moment to the next. > Excit…

Flossiesdoll 17 yrs ago | 3 replies
What, if anything, will happen in my love life this year? Thank you!

Flossiesdoll 17 yrs ago
I win the UK one at least once a fortnight, although I've never entered it.

Flossiesdoll 17 yrs ago | 4 replies
I live in Edinburgh and I find Hogmanay has changed beyond all recognition here. It used to be that the locals would go out to the pubs, congregate in Tron Square for the bells, then go to parties or go home, kissing as …

Flossiesdoll 17 yrs ago | 13 replies
Well, if I was that little girl's mother, we wouldn't have been in MacD's, but that's not the point. If I was her mother, if she didn't want to eat, she'd have been given a glass of milk, the burger would have been re…

Flossiesdoll 17 yrs ago | 6 replies
Has anyone considered setting up a MySpace page for BookCrossing? I'd do it myself, but I think it should be done officially by BookCrossing. Then everyone who has a MySpace account could add BookCrossing as a friend and…

Flossiesdoll 18 yrs ago | 10 replies
A copy of Foucault's Pendulum which I released was caught and then re-released - and I just received an alert telling me it's now in lost property in the local bus depot. Grrrrrr. I've emailed the bus company asking them…

Flossiesdoll 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
when I get home from work. But - I have never been able to put a bra on my putting my arms through the sleeves, pulling it up, and fastening it behind me. I have to fasten it at the front then birl it round.

Flossiesdoll 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
the tiny numbers of books being released, and the even tinier numbers of books being picked up by someone who is interested, has internet access and cares enough to log it, and then re-releases it and logs that release..…

Flossiesdoll 18 yrs ago
And my brother asked me if I wanted an MP3 player last Christmas and I had to tell him I had no idea what they were. In fact, I still don't know.

Flossiesdoll 18 yrs ago | 5 replies
how in American "liberal" is used as an insult, whereas in the UK it's a good thing to be. And please, socialists in America? Where? Believe me, your furthest left parties are still far right. And please, please, learn t…

Flossiesdoll 18 yrs ago
But you could say that about the whole year, to be honest.

Flossiesdoll 18 yrs ago
> That was the first thing I thought when I > heard the news of this unfortunate > shooting: I didn't think "bobbies" were > armed. Thanks for the clarification. I do > know these weren't really bobbies and > t…

Flossiesdoll 18 yrs ago
It's all my fault. I cleaned the windows the other day; that always makes it rain.

Flossiesdoll 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
> At least 467 people killed in the Troubles > in Northern Ireland (IRA amongst others > responsible). > Short memory? It's nearly 4000 dead as a result of the Troubles, Catholic, Protestant, republican, loy…

Flossiesdoll 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
and I wouldn't pay any attention to what she says. Her shop is a 10 second walk from my office, and the block has had to have a lot of work done on it. The fuss she made about the scaffolding, you'd think it was the end …

Flossiesdoll 18 yrs ago
I liked the middle ones, but the earliest ones and the latest ones I was disappointed with, and the last one I hated. I really struggled to finish it.

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