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Age 38
Joined Sunday, October 6, 2002
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Extended Profile
I'd like to give the world a book, and keep it company...

Scratch that last part.

I hate carbonated beverages.

Except Orange Crush, root beer, and ginger ale.

So I am a filthy lying hypocritical pig.


The best place to leave free books: outside of Barnes & Noble.

Wow, do I hate Barnes & Noble.

The fuel for the snob is $8 coffee.

Pretentious is as pretentious does.

I quote myself far too often.

Tell me, will this déjà vu never end?

That's the Spice Girls, isn't it?

Boy, am I literate.

Because your worth is summed up by how important you can act.

I am no Olivier, I tells ya.

But I can make a lot of references.

Kitsch rox.

But is entirely too popular.

The unintentional trendsetter.

The unhip trendsetter.

The unwilling trendsetter.

The adulterated trends set.


Answer: We are standing on the back of Muha-pudma, who is in turn standing on the back of Chukwa. That is all. Don't be impiously inquisitive!

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