The Earth Hums in B Flat

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by Mari Strachan | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 184767304x Global Overview for this book
Registered by megami-no-ushi of Calgary, Alberta Canada on 9/14/2010
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7 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by megami-no-ushi from Calgary, Alberta Canada on Thursday, September 30, 2010
Picked up several books at the library book sale for reading and releasing, or taking to the book crossing meeting.

Journal Entry 2 by megami-no-ushi at Joshua Tree Café, Edmonton Trail in Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, December 11, 2010

Released 14 yrs ago (12/11/2010 UTC) at Joshua Tree Café, Edmonton Trail in Calgary, Alberta Canada


This book was released at the December meet up. It will either be swapped or released to the shelves.

To the finder:
Calgary has an active group of BookCrossers that meet to swap books and discuss book crossing every second Saturday of the month at 11am at the Joshua Tree Cafe on Edmonton Trail. We always love to meet new crossers, so please join us any time you like!

Journal Entry 3 by fracula at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Monday, December 13, 2010
Since I love flying dreams, I just had to nab this book at the December Calgary BookCrossing meet-up. So many books, so little time.
Gwenni Morgan is a girl with a special gift: She can fly in her sleep. At night she soars out of the bed she shares with her sister, up above her village, looking down on the lives of its inhabitants. And one night she sees more than she bargained for...

Set in a remote Welsh village in the 1950s, The Earth Hums in B Flat is a story of dark family secrets, written with insight and lightness. Filled with wonderful characters, it is a remarkable debut that introduces a sparkling new voice of rare spirit.

Journal Entry 4 by fracula at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Was hoping for a bit more flying, but a nice little book. Took a few chapters to pick up on the lingo from Wales.

Will take it to the January meet-up group of Calgary BookCrossers,

Journal Entry 5 by fracula at Joshua Tree Café, Edmonton Trail in Calgary, Alberta Canada on Sunday, January 2, 2011

Released 14 yrs ago (1/8/2011 UTC) at Joshua Tree Café, Edmonton Trail in Calgary, Alberta Canada


For sharing with another BookCrosser, or on the bookshelf, inside the door.

Welcome to, where we are trying to making the whole world a library!

If you have not already done so, please make a journal entry so we know this book has found a new home. You don't need to join BookCrossing and you can remain completely anonymous. However, we encourage you to join so that you can follow this book's future travels. It's fun and free, and your personal information will never be shared or sold. If you decide to join, consider listing Fracula as referring you.

Take your time reading the book, and after you finish, please make another journal entry to record your thoughts about it. This book is now yours, and you can keep it if you choose, though we would love for you to share it. If you pass it along, please make a release note to let others know where you left it.

I hope you enjoy the book!

Journal Entry 6 by wingrureadingwing at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, January 8, 2011
I enjoy novels set in the UK, Ireland and Scotland and with a detective kid element thrown in - may have jumped up the TBR a bit. Thanks megami-no-ushi and Fracula.

Journal Entry 7 by wingrureadingwing at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Sunday, February 27, 2011
This is a great story set in a small Welsh village in the 1950's with the eccentric characters, the gossip, and the secrets. Twelve year old Gwenni is a lonely child, tormented by family and so-called friends, and she escapes in her imagination. A death in the village sets off a chain of escalating events that upsets the status quo of the village, and Gwenni's innocence.

Journal Entry 8 by wingrureadingwing at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, March 12, 2011

Released 13 yrs ago (3/12/2011 UTC) at Calgary, Alberta Canada


Released at the Calgary BC Meetup at the Joshua Tree Cafe today.

Journal Entry 9 by sing-song at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, April 9, 2011
It got a bit slow in a couple of places, but it was kind of quirky and wasn't just about a mystery, also human relationships in a family.

Journal Entry 10 by sing-song at Joshua Tree Café, Edmonton Trail in Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, April 9, 2011

Released 13 yrs ago (4/9/2011 UTC) at Joshua Tree Café, Edmonton Trail in Calgary, Alberta Canada


Releasing to April meeting.

Journal Entry 11 by sing-song at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Tuesday, May 15, 2012
I picked this up at the May meeting. Error. I read it last year. Thought it looked familiar but my brain is SOO unreliable.

Journal Entry 12 by sing-song at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, June 9, 2012

Released 12 yrs ago (6/9/2012 UTC) at Calgary, Alberta Canada


Taking this to the June meetup at the Joghua Tree Cafe to either pass on or leave on the bookshelf.

Journal Entry 13 by MoomaOma at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Sunday, June 10, 2012
Picked this up at the June BookCrossing meeting. Looked to be a quick read and interesting.

Journal Entry 14 by MoomaOma at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, August 11, 2012
Just couldn't seem to get into this book so am taking it to the August book crossing meeting, perhaps it will be someone else's cup of tea.

Journal Entry 15 by MoomaOma at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, August 11, 2012

Released 12 yrs ago (8/11/2012 UTC) at Calgary, Alberta Canada


taking to the Aug book crossing meeting

Journal Entry 16 by locker-monster at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, September 8, 2012
Picked up this book at the Calgary BookCrossing September meet-up. The book had an interesting premise so I picked it up. Plus it's set in Wales and who doesn't love Wales.

Journal Entry 17 by locker-monster at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Monday, November 5, 2012
Strange little book. I thought it would have a fantasy slant since Gwenni flies when she dreams, but that's not a big part of the plot. It's more about growing up and trying to make sense of life as you transition from a child to a young adult. The mystery kept me reading, but it was also a neat look at Welsh life in the 1950s. It took me awhile before I realized that the characters speak Welsh to each other.

Journal Entry 18 by locker-monster at Joshua Tree Café, Edmonton Trail in Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, November 10, 2012

Released 12 yrs ago (11/10/2012 UTC) at Joshua Tree Café, Edmonton Trail in Calgary, Alberta Canada


Releasing this book at the Calgary BookCrossing November meet-up. If it didn't go home with anyone, it's sitting on the bookshelf.

Journal Entry 19 by Eri-Cherry at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, November 10, 2012
Picked up at get together

Journal Entry 20 by Eri-Cherry at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Sunday, November 23, 2014
I'm still not quite sure what to think of this book. It was a compelling read that drew me along. It was interesting how Gwenni sees the different people and events around her, and how she lives in her own world. There were so many events that were connected. I liked how secrets were such a focus, and the different ways of looking at them - that there are some that everyone knows but no one talks about, and how others should be told or else they may cause harm.

Thanks for the interesting read.

Journal Entry 21 by Eri-Cherry at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, December 13, 2014

Released 10 yrs ago (12/13/2014 UTC) at Calgary, Alberta Canada


Taking to get together

Journal Entry 22 by megami-no-ushi at Calgary, Alberta Canada on Saturday, December 13, 2014
And back to me again! I may try and find this a new home on my vacation this week.

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