Do Not Pass Go

Registered by Hero of Dublin, Co. Dublin Ireland on 1/17/2004
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3 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by Hero from Dublin, Co. Dublin Ireland on Saturday, January 17, 2004
Well, everyone else registering it called it 'Travel', so I guess I'll just be a sheep! Sounds like comedy as well, though. I got this free with the Kellogg's/ bestsellers deal (and if anyone's read my other entries for these books, and feels I'm going on about it too much - a) I do NOT work for Kellogg's or Amazon, and b) no deals like this ever, ever seem to include Ireland, and to get a book delivered completely free, which would cost £8.50 (about €13 now?), is just too cool! :o) )

This sounds like so much fun - I can't wait to get to it!

Journal Entry 2 by Hero from Dublin, Co. Dublin Ireland on Tuesday, September 21, 2004
The fact that I just finished this should not be taken as a comment on its enjoyability - I loved it! (Just kept it in the bathroom for reading in very small installments.) You don't even have to like Monopoly to enjoy the book, though it would probably help a bit, and I certainly don't. The author went all around London following the roads used for the English Monopoly board, and did impressive amounts of research about each area. He's also hilarious, to my mind at least.

All that said, I think this might be a bit difficult to follow on occasion for anyone who loves London but isn't English or Irish; possibly it's just that I'm bad at remembering names, especially given the way I read the book. I kept finding myself reading a name and not knowing whether it was some famous (to everyone in Britain) politician Moore thought needed no describing or whether he'd mentioned the character earlier in the chapter and I'd forgotten! His writing style is quite dense too.

Surprisingly, for such a funny book, the end was remarkably moving. All in all, some fascinating facts about London, a lament for what was lost as idiotic politicians and business-men destroyed wonderful buildings, as well as laugh-out-loud moments. I'll be looking out for other books of Tim Moore (and looking forward to my next visit to London even more eagerly!).

Journal Entry 3 by Luintaurien from York, Nebraska USA on Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Got it today. Thank you.

Journal Entry 4 by Luintaurien at KawreS Superstore 1515 Stone St. in Falls City, Nebraska USA on Saturday, April 15, 2006

Released 18 yrs ago (4/15/2006 UTC) at KawreS Superstore 1515 Stone St. in Falls City, Nebraska USA



Journal Entry 5 by wingKawreSwing from Falls City, Nebraska USA on Sunday, April 16, 2006
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