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The Memoirs of a Gnostic Dwarf

by David Madsen | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 1873982712 Global Overview for this book
Registered by SwissToni on 9/25/2003
Buy from one of these Booksellers: | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon DE | Amazon FR | Amazon IT |
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by SwissToni on Thursday, September 25, 2003
I picked this up on whim as the third book in a 3 for 2 at waterstones -- mainly because of the cover (I did a medieval history degree, so bear with me).

Here's what the sunday times had to say:

" Memoirs of a Gnostic Dwarf opens with a stomach-turning description of the state of Pope Leo's backside. The narrator is a hunchbacked dwarf and it is his job to read aloud from St Augustine while salves are applied to the Papal posterior. Born of humble stock, and at one time the inmate of a freak show, the dwarf now moves in the highest circles of holy skulduggery and buggery. Madsen's book is essentially a romp, although an unusually erudite one, and his scatalogical and bloody look at the Renaissance is grotesque. fruity and filthy" Phil Baker in The Sunday Times

It's very good, and surprisingly hard to put down.

***UPDATE: 15th December 2003***
I've decided to add this to the "not so secret santa" package that I am sending out - hopefully this is some compensation for the main gift being absolutely nothing of a surprise. I look forward to hearing what you think....

Journal Entry 2 by Gooner from March, Cambridgeshire United Kingdom on Thursday, December 25, 2003
This book arrived as a Not-So-Secret-Father-Christmas present from SwissToni.

It's a lovely surprise. I know nothing about the book but look forward to journalling it when I finish reading it.

Thanks again to SwissToni for his generosity - no need to apologise for the other book not being a surprise. There was only one book on my wishlist, and now I've received that one too - lucky me!

Journal Entry 3 by Gooner at Ipswich, Suffolk United Kingdom on Saturday, May 12, 2012

Released 12 yrs ago (5/12/2012 UTC) at Ipswich, Suffolk United Kingdom


Released at CoffeeLink at BC meet-up

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