Heat Wave

by Richard Castle | Mystery & Thrillers |
ISBN: 1401310400 Global Overview for this book
Registered by vedranaster of Zagreb, Zagreb City Croatia on 10/26/2012
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Journal Entry 1 by vedranaster from Zagreb, Zagreb City Croatia on Friday, October 26, 2012


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Used book bought from Better World Books.

Journal Entry 2 by vedranaster at Zagreb, Zagreb City Croatia on Friday, November 2, 2012

I've thoroughly enjoyed the ABC's series Castle. Being a bookworm, it was a natural step to try their tie-in "Richard Castle" novels. Heat Wave is the first in the series, and I suspect I'll be getting the others too. Good marketing decision, ABC! ;)

I don't read much crime fiction, so I don't really have a base to compare this novel to, but I have a feeling it'd rate as just okay if I didn't already have all the characters in my head, lending their voices, appearances and temperaments to the characters in the book. So far, 13 pages in, the tone of the book is in keeping with the tone of the series. If you've enjoyed Castle, chances are you'll get drawn in by Heat Wave, too.
Though, I must admit, it does fall slightly off the mark, as the Richard Castle in the series feels like a better writer than the Richard Castle who wrote this. *grin* The language and the writing style are just a bit too cliché.

Journal Entry 3 by vedranaster at Zagreb, Zagreb City Croatia on Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Released 11 yrs ago (11/13/2012 UTC) at Zagreb, Zagreb City Croatia


On its way to a cyberspace friend with whom I share a love of books and libraries... and of Castle. *grin*
Hope you'll enjoy this little book as much as I did. :)

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