
Book Search

80 Forum Posts Found:

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago | 7 replies
I was totally surprised this week to learn that a book I released in the wild September, 2002, was found and registered. Thought I would never see the day! You just never know when it will happen.

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago | 3 replies
I was away on vacation and so was thrilled when I returned to find that a book had been caught! I joined Bookcrossing in September of 2002 and this is my first. This was an anonymous catch, but I am happy it was regis…

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
I am looking for The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham and The Witness by Sandra Brown. Will trade from my bookshelf. Anyone?

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago
Is this book still available? I will PM you, and congratulations on your 200th book.

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago | 2 replies
Help! I inadvertently registered a book that had been previously registered. What do I do to take the second one out?

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago
I usually don't enjoy reading a book after seeing the movie, but I had seen Primal Fear twice and still thoroughly enjoyed reading the book afterwards.

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
How about a couple of old Agatha Christie's in exchange? Let me know.

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago
Congratulations and good luck on your new job!!

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago
Is G is for Gumshoe still available? If so, I would love to receive it. I will PM you.

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago
I just finished reading a first novel by Robert Ellis called "Access to Power." It was very good and a fast read. Now I am reading Steve Martini's "Critical Mass" which is also a very interesting read.

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago
My thanks to you, Watchcat, for the two books you so generously sent to me during this past year. You made me very happy indeed.

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago
Does any financial whiz out there have a copy of this book by Benjamin Graham? I would love to find a copy.

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago
If Pillars of the Earth is still available, I would love to receive it. I am PMing you.

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago
written by Benjamin Graham. This is quite an old book, but has been reprinted. I would love to find a copy.

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago
Does anyone have a copy of this book by Benjamin Graham? I am trying to locate it for my husband. I will trade or pay postage. Thanks!

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
I have located a video from the Nova science program titled A Man, A Plan, A Canal: Panama,narrated by David McCullough, but still no book. If anyone knows of one, I would love to hear from you.

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago | 5 replies
My son has asked me to search for this book. He is very interested in obtaining the older version. I would be willing to trade or pay postage.

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago | 2 replies
Thanks so much for your information. Also, a huge thank you to Annulla for her explanation. My post office is the Sappington branch in South County and they are just wonderful to work with.

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago | 5 replies
Can you please explain the M-bag and give us an idea of the cost in shipping? Thanks.

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
Did Taisch attend the picnic? I have noticed that he is releasing so many books in the wild around St. Louis. Would love to find one!!

StlMoMom 20 yrs ago
Can't you give us just a little hint as to your releases? I just noticed that you released a lot of books in St. Louis today. I would be thrilled to find one.

StlMoMom 21 yrs ago
I would love to receive The Gift Shop if it is still available. A good mystery is still good no matter how old! Sending a PM and many thanks for your generosity.

StlMoMom 21 yrs ago
I saw a copy of Murder at the FBI for sale at our library today. It may be gone by now, but I can check it out tomorrow. When is your trip?

StlMoMom 21 yrs ago
I would love to read Long Time No See by Susan Isaacs if it is still available. I will PM you. Thanks.

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