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Round Ireland with a Fridge

by Tony Hawks | category Travel |
ISBN: 0312274920
Books Registered: 149 | Books in the Wild: 55
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149 Copies Registered

Registered by wingReetPetitewing of Beeston, Nottinghamshire United Kingdom on 6/5/2004
Current status: to be read | 13 journalers for this copy...

Registered by myntti of Tampere, not specified not specified on 2/22/2003
Current status: travelling | 17 journalers for this copy...

Registered by Grenouille1 of Toronto, Ontario Canada on 3/3/2003
Current status: travelling | 8 journalers for this copy...

Registered by caretta of Lynchburg, Virginia USA on 1/1/2003
Current status: to be read | 8 journalers for this copy...

Registered by skcreader of Roanoke, Virginia USA on 9/6/2003
Current status: travelling | 7 journalers for this copy...

Registered by Pyan of Menasha, Wisconsin USA on 7/6/2005
Current status: travelling | 7 journalers for this copy...

Registered by luckydipper of Coolangatta, Queensland Australia on 12/9/2007
Current status: to be read | 7 journalers for this copy...

Registered by istop4books of Castle Rock, Colorado USA on 5/7/2009
Current status: travelling | 7 journalers for this copy...

Registered by Linneaaaaa of Rock Island, Illinois USA on 9/19/2004
Current status: reserved | 5 journalers for this copy...

Registered by 60202Reader of Evanston, Illinois USA on 2/8/2005
Current status: available | 6 journalers for this copy...

Registered by ds3233 of Sun City, Arizona USA on 3/6/2005
Current status: travelling | 5 journalers for this copy...

Registered by roskilde of Kappeln, Schleswig-Holstein Germany on 2/21/2008
Current status: travelling | 8 journalers for this copy...

Registered by eight2much of Herkimer, New York USA on 12/17/2003
Current status: permanent collection | 5 journalers for this copy...

Registered by wingbookczukwing of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA on 3/17/2004
Current status: travelling | 4 journalers for this copy...

Registered by Zimtmilch of Schwelm, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany on 8/27/2014
Current status: travelling | 4 journalers for this copy...

Registered by cobaltcat of Fresno, California USA on 4/5/2003
Current status: to be read | 5 journalers for this copy...

Registered by Elisette of Buffalo Grove, Illinois USA on 8/7/2005
Current status: travelling | 4 journalers for this copy...

Registered by greedyreader of Oakland, New Jersey USA on 12/21/2002
Current status: to be read | 5 journalers for this copy...

Registered by wingResQgeekwing of Alexandria, Virginia USA on 10/31/2012
Current status: travelling | 4 journalers for this copy...

Registered by sueb4 of Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire United Kingdom on 7/16/2004
Current status: reserved | 4 journalers for this copy...

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