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Montana 1948: A Novel

by Larry Watson | category Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 1571310614
Books Registered: 7 | Books in the Wild: 4
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7 Copies Registered

Registered by wingCross-patchwing of Leicester, Leicestershire United Kingdom on 1/4/2025
Current status: to be read | 4 journalers for this copy...

Registered by time-traveler of Peekskill, New York USA on 11/13/2014
Current status: travelling | 3 journalers for this copy...

Registered by wingBadgerjimwing of Augusta, Maine USA on 8/20/2016
Current status: travelling | 3 journalers for this copy...

Registered by dustyflint of Honolulu, Hawaii USA on 5/5/2012
Current status: travelling | 2 journalers for this copy...

Registered by paisleymonkey of Lakes Region, Maine USA on 8/16/2011
Current status: travelling | 2 journalers for this copy...

Registered by sandptfestival of Sandpoint, Idaho USA on 6/12/2008
Current status: travelling | 2 journalers for this copy...

Registered by SarahBlack5 of Boise, Idaho USA on 4/9/2011
Current status: available | 2 journalers for this copy...

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