
Book Search

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spaceystacey 12 yrs ago
very sorry to hear this. I have your second box but am having no luck so far reaching people on the list to sent it to next. Will try next person on Monday.

spaceystacey 12 yrs ago
I can start one if there is enough interest. Let me know.

spaceystacey 13 yrs ago | 10 replies
You verified in November 2010 that you had received the read and would journal when you found the time. Please update as other readers are inquiring about the status of the book.

spaceystacey 14 yrs ago | 4 replies It has had quite the journey and is almost at the end. Any other interest?

spaceystacey 14 yrs ago | 3 replies It has been traveling well, is there any other interest?

spaceystacey 14 yrs ago
1. Run for Your Life by James Patterson and Michael Bennett 384 pages 2. California Girl by T. Jefferson Parker 396 pages…

spaceystacey 14 yrs ago
1. Plum Spooky /Janet Evanovich 320 pages 2. Veronica /Mary Gaitskill 257 pages 3. Finn by Jon Clinch 304 pages…

spaceystacey 14 yrs ago
My extended family members are now addicted to these books. Some have just started reading them and others are 1/2 way through the series.

spaceystacey 14 yrs ago
I heard it from a theater friend in Millville, New Jersey on 3rd Friday in 2003 February.

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