Book Search
227 Forum Posts Found:

I have it, I am ready to send it out

I would like to participate.

Bookrings, Bookrays, and Bookboxes
HI77's Audio Bookbox #3 !! (OPEN & Looking for Participants!!) (US Only)
RE: Audiobookbox is back on the road
I received it today. I will get it out this week if possible.

Bookrings, Bookrays, and Bookboxes
HI77's Audio Bookbox #3 !! (OPEN & Looking for Participants!!) (US Only)
I'm In
I would like to join this round, I promise I won't hold onto the box so long this time. Also, I would like to be a little further down on the list if that is OK.

I am very sorry for having this box for such a long time. I mailed the box out this morning.
tracking number is by text. 28777 (2USPS)

I am so sorry to have held on to this for so long. I have made my exchanges and will get this out as soon .

The BCID attached to this is not brining up the book. Could you please give me the correct BCID and I will fix it.

Bookrings, Bookrays, and Bookboxes
HI77's Audio Bookbox!! (US Only) (CLOSED)
Interred with their Bones
I pulled this from the Box and there is no BCID. I don't know who contributed this. If you send me a message I will put the BCID on it.

The box arrived on the 18th. I have made my selections and put in new audios.

I would like to join if that is OK

Bookrings, Bookrays, and Bookboxes
BigJohnLefty Memorial Audio VBB, Round 4. New members welcome!
My turn
I am removing:
Andy Warhol by Wayne Koestenbaum
Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller
Playing for Pizza by John Grisham
The Second Horseman by Kyle Mills
The Border Lords by T. Jefferson Parker
Knocked out my by Nun…

Bookrings, Bookrays, and Bookboxes
BigJohnLefty Memorial Audio VBB, Round 3. New members welcome!
my turn
I am taking out:
The 10 Qualities of Charismatic People by Tony Alessandra 2 discs
Captain Underhill Uncoils the Mystery by Cape Cod Radio Mystery Theater 2 discs
Bubbles Betrothed by Sarah Strohmeyer 9 discs
The D…

Bookrings, Bookrays, and Bookboxes
BigJohnLefty Memorial Audio VBB, Round 2
RE: RE: Thank you all
I was happy to add in extra titles. I have had a very long commute this past year and have audios piled up. Next round I will have a lot more titles to add that only have myself or me and one other journaler to add.

Hannibal Rising by Thomas Harris 6 CD's Unabridged (Rebekkila)
Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton (Moody-Blue)
Unbridged; 9 CDs; Performed by Maggie Soboil

Bookrings, Bookrays, and Bookboxes
New Audiobook VBB (BigJohnLefty's box transformed)
My selections
I made my selections and will post here until I get the BCID. I have chosen:
Against All Enemies, Richard A. Clarke (JudySlump612)
??; 6 CD's; Performed by author

Bookrings, Bookrays, and Bookboxes
BigJohnLefty's audio book box - comments requested, please
I would participate
I just saw that booklady331 is discontinuing her bookbox. I would like to participate as I have a lot of audios that are stacking up. My commute is increasing as of this week and I have purchased a lot of audios in antic…

Bookrings, Bookrays, and Bookboxes
BigJohnLefty's Audio Bookbox in Memoriam (US Only)
joining also
Thank you for taking over this bookbox.

Release Challenges
WINNERS ANNOUNCED - 2015 You're Such an Animal Release Challenge
You're such an animal challenge 1 &2
1. kid
2. imp

6. Whiteout by Ken Follett
7. Brimstone by Robert B. Parker

4. Choke by Chuck Palahniuk
5. Freedom by Jonathan Franzen

1. Tangled by Carolyn Mackler
2. Queenpin by Megan Abbott
3. Perfect by Natasha Friend http://www.bookcrossing.…

Bookrings, Bookrays, and Bookboxes
[CLOSED] Audiobook VBB (US only) - Round 24 starts January 1 - New Players Always Welcome!
My turn
I will remove:
East of Desolation by Jack Higgins (5 CDs; unabridged) (hyphen8)
The Silver Star by Jeannette Walls (7 CDs, unabridged) (jlautner)

Bookrings, Bookrays, and Bookboxes
[CLOSED] Audiobook VBB (US only) - Round 24 starts January 1 - New Players Always Welcome!
Audiobook VBB
I will remove:
The Golden Compass by Phillipp Pullman Unabridged 9 CD (HI77)
Never Wave Goodbye by Doug Magee (8 Unabridged) (Hyphen8)…