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Book Search
33 Forum Posts Found:
19 yrs ago
| 5 replies
I have several Nora Roberts books that are available for postage. You can have as many as you want, as long as you send me the postage. Please pm me and post here if you would like a book or books.
Books Available:
19 yrs ago
| 2 replies
I have several books available for postage. If you're interested, please pm me and post a message here with the title of the book. The books are:
Bloody River Blues By: William Jefferies aka Jeffery Deaver
The Appren…
20 yrs ago
| 4 replies
I have the following books available for postage. Please pm me and post here if you are interested in a book. I will ship international if you're willing to pay the postage.
If I have anything on my booksheld set as a…
20 yrs ago
| 4 replies
I have four books I'm offering as RABCK's. They are for US only, one per person.
~~Taken~~ Bad Heir Day By Wendy Holden
The Texan By Joan Johnston
~~Taken~~ Be My Baby Tonight By Kasey Michaels
~~Taken~~ No One To…
20 yrs ago
| 3 replies
I have three books available to US Bookcrossers. Sorry I have to limit to US, but my funds are limited right now. There is a limit of one book per person. The available books are:
Hiding in the Shadows By Kay Hooper
20 yrs ago
| 1 replies
I have a bridal bargains book that I'd like to offer as a RABCK to any active bookcrosser who is planning their wedding. The book is full of tips for saving money while planning your wedding. I used it while planning my …
20 yrs ago
| 1 replies
20 yrs ago
My husband thinks I'm excessively anal, but I have to have the toilet paper coming over the top. He got so tired of me complaining if he put it on wrong that now he won't put a new roll on at all. He just sits it there f…
20 yrs ago
You can now get some of the original Scooby cartoons on DVD. I've been looking at them, but I've been told not to buy them (I expect they'll be given as a birthday or Christmas gift).
One of my cousins also has a Scoo…
20 yrs ago
My husband and I already watched an Egyptian IMAX DVD and took the dogs for their walk around the neighborhood. Now he's playing video games and I'm on the net. Not a very exciting night in our house.
20 yrs ago
My husband is always dragging any catalog we get in the mail into the bathroom. He never seems able to bring them back out either. I'll usually take whatever book I happen to be reading in with me whenever I soak in the …
20 yrs ago
| 6 replies
I have a serious love for all things Scooby-Doo. I have tried to use scoobyfan as my name at various other locations online, but it alwasy seems to be taken, so I just spelled it out backwards. So far I haven't had any p…