
Book Search

143 Forum Posts Found:

moonglow18 18 yrs ago | 3 replies
Hi everyone. It has been a while since i have been on bookcrossing and i missed it very much. But the past 6 months have been really hard with the loss of an uncle and having stomach surgery. But anyway, i am trying to g…

moonglow18 18 yrs ago
Thanks to those who offered books and those who are loaning me books. Your the best.

moonglow18 19 yrs ago | 3 replies
I am looking for any books by these authors except for the following(which i have already read) You Slay Me Undead and Unwed Undead and Unemployed If anyone has any other books by this author i would be more than w…

moonglow18 19 yrs ago | 4 replies
I would like to open this as a bookring to everyone who loves vampires. I already have several names started from Club VLAD. Please include where you are from and shipping preferences and i will try to make everyone happ…

moonglow18 20 yrs ago
If anyone has a bookbox started by me (moonglow18) please let me know where they are at right now and who has them. I have gotten behind because of my job and now i am looking for those missing in action bookboxes. Pleas…

moonglow18 20 yrs ago
This is the final list for the romance box. Please let me know if i have left anyone out. It will be mailed out on Monday. Thanks VivYip Conniggetsmom crrcookie Nickel27 jarrett622 Nepenthe40 az628 adventuretom…

moonglow18 20 yrs ago
I would like to sign up for this box.

moonglow18 20 yrs ago
This is the final order for the kids box, if anyone has a problem with the order please let me know before Monday. Sibelle Martie-Kr busybooklover legomeister(scout-Finch) bksfamily emitchell1017 ryanreader Oas…

moonglow18 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
This is the Final mailing order for the anything goes fiction bookbox. Scout-Finch Dusties KAT123 emitchell1017 Spikesmom booksnbeer Kayote mysterylady36 Cytronella Oasis bksfamily lilsher ryanreader tcho…

moonglow18 20 yrs ago
Okay i have a question of my own. Someone from Germany wants to join the bookbox but at this time i can't afford to send internationally. Can anyone who has joined this box afford to send it internationally? PLease let m…

moonglow18 20 yrs ago
Ok this is the list so far: VivYip Conniggetsmom KAT123 adventuretom Nepenthe40 cheli-garza Ok This box is for any kind of romances. I would hope that they will all not be series romance but that is up to whom e…

moonglow18 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
The list so far (not in order) is: VivYip Conniggetsmom KAT123 I need more people to join, where are all of you romance readers at? PM me!

moonglow18 20 yrs ago
I have you on the list now. Thanks for joining everyone. I will be getting this out by friday.

moonglow18 20 yrs ago | 16 replies
I would like to start yet another Romance bookbox. I would like to send it off by March 22, so please PM me if you would like to join. Thanks

moonglow18 20 yrs ago
So far this is the names(not in order) for the following bookboxes. Anything goes fiction Dusties Cytronella KAT123 SpikesMom lisher mysterylady36 booksnbeer ryanreader emitchell1017 Scout-Finch Children'…

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