
Book Search

242 Forum Posts Found:

llama-mama205 5 yrs ago
Mailed out today to ravencat. USPS tracking # 9549012468689220128390.

llama-mama205 5 yrs ago | 1 replies
The numbers box has arrived in NC. Sending request for address of next participant tonight and will get mailed out when I receive it.

llama-mama205 5 yrs ago
Address sent. Looking forward to the bookbox.

llama-mama205 5 yrs ago | 1 replies
Hi I'd like to join. I am in North Carolina.

llama-mama205 6 yrs ago
Bookbox was mailed Apr 9 to mrsjones. Tracking# 9549012468668099263685

llama-mama205 6 yrs ago
Location, location, location bookbox has arrived in NC! I will pick some books and add mine and send off as soon as I receive the address of mrsjones.

llama-mama205 7 yrs ago | 1 replies
Box arrived late last night. I will go through it and hope to mail before Thanksgiving.

llama-mama205 7 yrs ago
Please add me,,, I have number of mystery/thrillers that need to be passed on. I am in North Carolina.

llama-mama205 11 yrs ago
Can you add me too please? I'm sending you a PM.

llama-mama205 12 yrs ago
Added you all elizardbreath angelface46 NMReader Jan 13... box was mailed to elizardbreath

llama-mama205 12 yrs ago | 4 replies
I have way too many cozy mysteries sitting on the shelf and need to get them moving. Looking for four participants who love cozys. PM me and post here if you are interested. Keeping this group small since my last bo…

llama-mama205 15 yrs ago
OK .. we have the 6 for this cozy bookbox. I'll be sending you all a PM with the instructions and mailing order. Participants will be: etherea affinity4books bobbarama NMReader Ring88 easterngirl71

llama-mama205 15 yrs ago | 1 replies
So far I have: etherea affinity4books bobbarama This is US only due to shipping costs and the weight of the box. Any other US takers? Want to ship before Thanksgiving.

llama-mama205 15 yrs ago | 9 replies
I have a bunch of cozy mysteries that need to get moved out. Anyone interested in a bookbox? I'll take the first 6 people who reply. The box will have 20-25 books. I ask no more than 2 from the same author. A hint t…

llama-mama205 15 yrs ago
Here's one that was finally journaled after almost 2 years.

llama-mama205 16 yrs ago
1. CHICKEN Soup for the Soul 2. BloodHOUND to Die For 3. WildCAT Wine…

llama-mama205 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
...another one re-surfaces.

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