
Book Search

323 Forum Posts Found:

lightwavz 17 yrs ago | 9 replies
You know that as a mystery fan those paperbacks are both necessary and as quick as candy. You need to pass some on? Join this up-for-grabs bookbox and put some legs on those whodunits! Any genre/branch of mystery as lon…

lightwavz 17 yrs ago | 5 replies
Of course since this is a ray it can run as long as it lasts, but I am organizing the initial list now for mailing next week. This is one funny book! Don't miss out if you need some dark humor in your life!

lightwavz 17 yrs ago | 6 replies
I will post list and get the box out next week...

lightwavz 17 yrs ago | 12 replies
A hilarious book about becoming death. I know, it sounds weird... but those with a bizarre sense of humor will love it. Please post and PM with geographic location and shipping preference.

lightwavz 17 yrs ago | 19 replies
Want to get some of your books moving again? Sign up for this US Bookbox and put your mouldering "already been bookcrossed" books in for some extra mileage. A few rules: no obvious sequel books (ones that can't stand alo…

lightwavz 18 yrs ago
I'd like to get this much-wished-for novel on the road right away as a US ray. Please post and PM with your geographic location and I will start the list. Thanks!!

lightwavz 18 yrs ago
...Stephen Booth, Minette Walters who are all British, all pretty hardboiled. For the lighter stuff I like Earlene Fowler, Alice Kimberly, Dick Francis, or whatever paperback comes my way from my BC MeetUp group,

lightwavz 18 yrs ago
...if i can't sleep, there is always an audiobook or two handy. i like to do at least twenty pages in a novel per day to feel i am making progress (though i may have two to twelve books going at a time).

lightwavz 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
threw it across the room and sent it on to another reader ASAP. Also, the singer Poe is his sister. this book synchs up (sort of) with her CD "Haunted"

lightwavz 18 yrs ago
anyone else interested? it hit the road the beginning of the week...

lightwavz 18 yrs ago | 17 replies
I have about ten audiobooks, mostly unabridged, some CD but most cassette, from used and library book sales that need new listeners. I'd love to send them around to up to ten BXrs in the US. No elaborate rules, just repl…

lightwavz 18 yrs ago
I have stalled on the second part as i don't want the book to end. Fans of Walt Whitman will want to devour this volume right away.

lightwavz 18 yrs ago
but I do admit that there have been times I have had to start books over again. If I keep it under ten, it is just like changing channels and watching a television series.

lightwavz 18 yrs ago
If you have joined this bookray, here is the link. If you would like to join, please PM and I will add you to the list. THANKS!

lightwavz 18 yrs ago
I thought I was going to read a quirky story of a man addicted to young women and tattoos. Instead, I ended up mired in a tale of a boy who was first molested as a first-grader and becomes addicted to his molester (a gir…

lightwavz 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
Yes, me too! What was with that ending? It had such PROMISE at the beginning!

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