Book Search
159 Forum Posts Found:
21 yrs ago
I want to read Fantasy Lover
by Sherrilyn Kenyon. I would be glad to trade for it. Please browse my book shelf and see what you like.
21 yrs ago
| 1 replies
I want to read A Dying Light in Corduba by LIndsey Davis.
21 yrs ago
I would like to trade for The Virile Viking, The Last Viking, or Trully Madly Viking
21 yrs ago
| 2 replies
Hi everyone,
I am having a Valentine contest. The winner will be drawn 02/09/03. The gift is a valetine basket filled with M &M valentine goodies including a collectable M & M valentine candy dish and an authographed …
21 yrs ago
| 4 replies
My short wish list is
any books of the Stephen Lawhead's Pendragon Cycle
Anybooks by Rosemary Edgewood
But If there is something on my site you want-let me know and I will see if you have something I would like t…
21 yrs ago
| 4 replies
I am willing to trade most of the books registered at my site that have not already been released. Please, let me know if you see anything you like.
21 yrs ago
I am also an author registerd with bookcrossing. I was wondering have you released any of your own books, those you have written, into the wild? I have cold feet about it, myself. That is why I am asking.
21 yrs ago
| 1 replies
I am an author. My books are in e-book format and in pod paperback. I feel very uncomforatable about releasing any e-books becasue it seems it is just to easy to have it abused where anyone can read it free once you put …
22 yrs ago
Hi everyone. My n ame is Cornelia and I found out about book crossing from a signature line on a yahoo-reading list I belong to. I went to a meet up last week and really enjoyed it. I released three books. I am looking f…