Book Search
1036 Forum Posts Found:
12 yrs ago
| 13 replies first Bookcrossing forum post for years, but think this must be new record for me as this was one of my earlier releases :-)
17 yrs ago
| 7 replies
Okay, here are a couple of photos
My favourite of the ones I took is probably this one
Rarsbery released some wedding related books and here she is "reading one :-)
17 yrs ago
| 1 replies
I am just back from Rarsberry's wedding and it all went perfectly. The day was wonderful weatherwise and Rarsberry looked gorgeous! I will try and post a couple of photos on Flickr later and leave a link here.
Conventions and Meetings
What a wonderful convention! Thanks to all who contributed to the Wellington Convention in Feb 2007!
Re: hello from the berry!!
17 yrs ago
| 7 replies
Glad you got there safely Rars!! Have a wonderful time!!!
18 yrs ago
| 1 replies
I love looking at other peoples bookshelves so I have just started a thread in the group I help admin on Flickr for people to share their bookshelf photos.
Take a look here…
18 yrs ago
| 1 replies
This was one of the earlier books I released and it has finally surfaced metres from where I released it!
18 yrs ago
| 2 replies
... but was delighted to find he had helped it on its journey when he opened it a year later!
2 years in the wild too!
18 yrs ago
| 2 replies
A book I released for last years animal release challenge turned up in a hostel in Poland, I would love to know how it got there :-)
18 yrs ago
| 1 replies
...and it has just been journalled by an enthusiastic Australian finder.
Someone wants to use/buy one of my Flickr photos!
Thanks again everyone for your advice and comments
18 yrs ago
I have replied to their message keeping your advice re copyright and suchlike in mind and suggested a price of $50, a figure I feel comfortable with, though if it US$50 I would be even more happy than if it was NZ$50 :-)…
18 yrs ago
| 1 replies
You haven't seen how many photos I take just to produce the few you see on Flickr.
And Yoko, thanks for that link, it's great, I don't think I will be charging the around $250 they suggest though, I would feel a bit em…
Someone wants to use/buy one of my Flickr photos!
Re: Cackleberry Industries Photographic Agency here boreal! Sign nothing!
18 yrs ago
Thanks Cackles! I will keep that in mind :-)
18 yrs ago
| 26 replies
I have just had a message from someone who has seen one of my photos on Flickr and wants to use it in a small real estate marketing campaign, I just about fell over from the shock as my photos are strictly amateur effort…
BookCrossing Site Announcements
New advertising program for non-Wings + Wings-only Announcement posting
Re: To be winged or not to be winged - That is the question
18 yrs ago
I agree entirely! I too became a pro member of Flickr because of the benefits you get and the good price, it is in fact the only other website I have actually paid for. The US$50 for BC wings for a year is equal to almos…
18 yrs ago
Came here to see if anyone else was having a problem and guess which thread was at the top of the list? Looks like I will have to waste time on Flickr instead :-)
18 yrs ago
| 3 replies
Wings for a month would cost NZ$7.84 plus a small bank charge for overseas transactions.
A hardback edition of Harry Potter and the HBP costs $40 at full price.
The latest Jodi Picoult trade paperback costs $34.99
A …
BookCrossing Site Announcements
Happy Birthday BookCrossing Contest: Winners Announced
A big thanks to Tracy and the prize squad!!
18 yrs ago
It was such a surprise to find that I had actually won a prize, you have made my day! Congratulations to all the other winners.
18 yrs ago
18 yrs ago
And that same finder found another of my books at the same time! Actually it is a wonder I didn't see the books at the bus-stop as I was in that area yesterday at lunchtime.
18 yrs ago
It's amazing what you can find (and do) on Flickr! I am quickly becoming a Flickr addict :-)
18 yrs ago
My favourite is Amelie but I also loved Delicatessen which has the same producer.
Book Talk
Books related to letters, postcards, correspondence exchange, etc
The 3000 mile garden -by Leslie Land and Roger Phillips
18 yrs ago
Subtitled -An Exchange of Letters on Gardening,Food, and the Good Life
It's been a while since I read it but I loved it. Roger Philips is from the UK and Leslie Land is from the US, and they both write wonderful newsy …
BookCrossing Site Announcements
Bookcrossing mentioned in Dunedin, NZ community newspaper
Her pm's were still turned on last weekend
18 yrs ago
Because I sent her our "Welcome to Bookcrossing" message.
18 yrs ago
| 4 replies
Since it is only a small article and I doubt if it is available online I will transcribe it here-
Basket of Books freed
A worldwide free book exchange that began in 2001 got a boost last week at the 2006 Literacy Exp…