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Book Search

59 Forum Posts Found:

babyimran 15 yrs ago
Previously, I have called on your help with my master's thesis on BookCrossing. I am happy to say that the University has approved the thesis and now waiting for publishing. My convocation is scheduled for November 2009.…

babyimran 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
Barbara Kingslover "THE PRODIGAL SUMMER". I knew I will be busy with my master's project but normally I will try to squeeze in one hour of reading. But this book really turned me off completely.

babyimran 16 yrs ago
Another to add to the list - John Grisham. He totally lost me with The Painted House.

babyimran 16 yrs ago
I am please to announce that I have collected 173 respondents. At the moment, I am working hard to prepare the report. I would like to give my thanks to every one who have helped out in the initial stages and for all …

babyimran 16 yrs ago
In one of the paper I have read, there are people who provide these 'gifts' for the sake of making the public domain more informative. *Usually*, when people give gift they expect to be rewarded. So we are investigati…

babyimran 16 yrs ago
I have identified gift in the question as opinion/recommendation/info which is refering to the forums. My main concern is the motivation of people posting in forums because I am comparing my study with those that have be…

babyimran 16 yrs ago
I have identified gift in the question as opinion/recommendation/info which is refering to the forums. My main concern is the motivation of people posting in forums because I am comparing my study with those that have be…

babyimran 16 yrs ago
That would be great. I am aiming to get 150 respondents before I close it on Jul 18. Thank you.

babyimran 16 yrs ago
Thank you. At the moment, I am still collecting responses until mid_July. As of now I have 137 respondents and nearly 100 are from Europe.

babyimran 16 yrs ago
Thanks for helping out. So far I have got 132 respondents.

babyimran 16 yrs ago | 2 replies
Are you talking about subscribing to BookCrossing? Don't be silly - I have been here since 2003. I'm talking about the website I'm using for my questionnaire - With the subscription I can collect…

babyimran 16 yrs ago | 4 replies
I hope you have submitted your response? As of now, I have 128 participants. I am leaving the link open until mid-July where my one-month subscription will be over. Please participate if you have not.

babyimran 16 yrs ago
As of now, I have 113respondents. Thank you for participating. For the others, kindly do so my finding will be better. I am *now* targeting for 150. I am leaving the link open for another one week plus.

babyimran 16 yrs ago
Thank you for your participation. And a big thank you to bookczuk for helping out by providing the link.

babyimran 16 yrs ago
Thank you very much. I am please to inform that the majority that has submitted are from Europe (69%).

babyimran 16 yrs ago | 2 replies
I have defined gifts in the question for that section. Here is the definition: Gifts can be in the form of opinion, suggestions, or information.

babyimran 16 yrs ago
The quotes really reflects me esp."The worst thing about new books is that they keep us from reading the old ones." Joseph Joubert

babyimran 16 yrs ago | 4 replies
Thank you for your comments. It does erases some doubts. As of now, I got 50 responses for the survey but the more the better the result will be. Ok - here's the link to the questionnaire:…

babyimran 16 yrs ago | 6 replies
I thought about that but don't you think others would come in and crash it. Do you feel its *secured* enough*?

babyimran 16 yrs ago | 2 replies
What I should have done is to inform you of my master's project and I use a survey to find out why we join BookCrossing. My hypotheses is that status seeking is the strongest motivation (which I hope to be proven wrong).…

babyimran 16 yrs ago | 17 replies
This is my previous thread 'BookCrossing is doing her master's'. I am currently distributing the questionnaire to collect data for my master's project. Most of my samples (respondents) will be chosen from BookCrossers…

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