
Book Search

452 Forum Posts Found:

Supertalya 7 yrs ago | 4 replies
I have another box of books to give away! Anyone interested in some Charles Bukowski books and other random books?

Supertalya 7 yrs ago
I completely forgot how to register a bookbox. I just registered all the books. I think I will send it on without it.

Supertalya 7 yrs ago
I will contact you all for addresses and start to put the box together! Thanks.

Supertalya 7 yrs ago | 14 replies
I am making a box of literary fiction that I would eventually like to finish in a coffee shop/lending library. I am going to have about 15 titles and would like to send to a few people before to take out and put in as t…

Supertalya 9 yrs ago | 2 replies
I have loads of books from a teacher who is retiring. She was just going to throw the books away. They are in great condition. Send me a PM with addresses.

Supertalya 9 yrs ago
I have LOADS of appropriate books that we are about to throw away. Send me an address and I will send her a big box.

Supertalya 10 yrs ago | 1 replies
Last call! I need two more people that want free books!

Supertalya 10 yrs ago | 12 replies
I have about 5 more bookboxes that I want to give away. They are mostly Asian or Latin American fiction. I have read them all and we need to declutter before the baby gets here soon. They are perfect for release chall…

Supertalya 10 yrs ago
Maggiesma and Glory-to-glory are winners. I will send you a pm to get your address.

Supertalya 10 yrs ago | 1 replies
I'll pick two winners later today!

Supertalya 10 yrs ago
Ok, I'll close this up in the next day and if you are the only one, I'll pm you for your address.

Supertalya 10 yrs ago | 6 replies
I have another 2 boxes of books to give away to US only. I'll pick two people randomly from the people interested. Each box will have about 10-15 books of fiction books about different cultures.

Supertalya 10 yrs ago | 2 replies
HI77 and Hyphen8 you both win boxes!!! I'll PM you now.

Supertalya 10 yrs ago
I will add you on my list for the drawing - I am in Japan so if I send it with the local post office it won't be too expensive.

Supertalya 10 yrs ago
Last call for the drawing. I will make two boxes of about 8-10 books! Two winners!! Nimrod, I will be on BO for the yearly swap!!!

Supertalya 10 yrs ago | 13 replies
I have a box of books that I want to give away. I am six months pregnant and need the room for a baby! I have already read these books and they are mostly non-bc books that are multicultural fiction. The box will be s…

Supertalya 14 yrs ago
Yes, now I have 7 copies. It worked out perfectly. I love that book and since we are here in Korea, I thought it would be more than just a good read. We can do guided reading and a literature unit.

Supertalya 14 yrs ago | 2 replies
Anyone have any copies they would be willing to share? I would happily pay for shipping. I am trying to make a class set. I bought some from Amazon used but thought I would ask around here. Please PM me. I have a US…

Supertalya 14 yrs ago
vivo en corea del sur pero tengo una dirrecion en los EEUU tambien.

Supertalya 15 yrs ago
so I am opening now Yay! A wishlist book. Have a Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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