
Book Search

13 Forum Posts Found:

StoneHarpMan 13 yrs ago
The BCID is and the author will be in SF July 31. 2010 for Cili and Chocolate @ yogakula Edited by BCSupportTeam to remove full BCID from post and replace with link to book.

StoneHarpMan 19 yrs ago | 2 replies
I wrote already via CONTACT US the following text ::: ======================================= a friend asked me how she could "drop-out" of BookCrossing. I couldn't find somethin about in FAQ nor ABOUT (but probably I …

StoneHarpMan 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
A couple here in Holiday Village Park (yes, it’s there where we had our great BC-Meetup on November 11, 2003), they have a “compact” motor home (a medium size RV or what ever we may call it). In this car is a DVD player,…

StoneHarpMan 20 yrs ago
Indeed, the taxi drivers in Paris are amazing. They are French by passport only, mostly North Africa import. They have good rants too, especially for Scots. Btw: The taxi driver in Germany speak German neither. But Engli…

StoneHarpMan 20 yrs ago
... after they terminated all evil in the world. Instead sending the commander in chief back to school (3rd grd) they changed the Merriam-Webster for pronunciation of nuclear with the following “excuse”: Though disappro…

StoneHarpMan 20 yrs ago
I placed my replay here because the parent message is only 3 days old, US friendly and pro Harry Potter. But most of all I would like to quote BookCrosser caligula who wrote October 13 2003 -- I am currently unemployed. …

StoneHarpMan 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
aus den USA von wo auch Bomben kommen. Ich schick' Dir die Snow Child CD am Montag ueber den Teich - Amen -- Jan

StoneHarpMan 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
Liebe Suse, ich bin auch gespannt, was das jetzt für BookCrossing bedeutet..... aber ich weiss auch, dass der Herr Stefan Bartkowiak (und sein Gefolge) mit WebMarketing nicht viel "am Hut" hat. Eigentlich schade, denn ge…

StoneHarpMan 20 yrs ago
Thank YOU for your “What a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing :)”. I love your tears, I love compassionate people. When children cry and we comfort them we sing (in Switzerland - dialect): “Nach äm Räge, shynt d’Sunnä” …

StoneHarpMan 20 yrs ago
Weihnacht 1953. Alle bekamen etwas aber ich bekam Flügel. Echte, weisse. Wie? Lese "Das geflügelte Geschenk" auf Ich versuche dieses Jahr, 50 Jahre später noch einmal…

StoneHarpMan 20 yrs ago | 4 replies
... Christmas 1953. Everone got something but I got wings. Real ones, white ones. How? Just read "The Winged Present" at I try to get this year, 50 years later wings a…

StoneHarpMan 20 yrs ago | 3 replies
"Mein bookcrossing-Name ist uebrigens bookbumblebee - besser BuchBrummHummel" schrieb einer den ich mit "Lieber Freund" anrede, obwohl ich ihn noch nie persoenlich sah, nicht einmal den selben Kontinent bewohne. Und nun …

StoneHarpMan 21 yrs ago | 1 replies
löblich, sehr löblich sogar. Und das und sogar mit Umlaut "ö" aus den USA - war ganz zufaellig hier ... eh ... zufälling, sah das "lob lob lob" und konnte nicht wiederstehen auch meinen Senf dazu zu geben. Hier gibt's ni…

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