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22 Forum Posts Found:

Region Cleanup: Cities & Crossing Zones
Search for BC members in Nebraska leads you to Spain
Error still not fixed!!
14 yrs ago
Three weeks later...this link STILL goes to the wrong place. Can somebody from the BookCrossing staff please look into this?!?!?

14 yrs ago
| 2 replies
This should be the URL to get to the cities in the state of Nebraska, but the content displayed is the same as that for the country of Spain.

18 yrs ago
| 3 replies
I need to delete a particular BCID# -- _not_ recycle it. A particular book I released some time ago has apparently fallen into the hands of someone who intends to mock the whole BookCrossing culture incessantly.

19 yrs ago
A single bookbag was enough, since half the books were paperbacks. I also left a trail of books at rest stops along Interstate 80 and 94 between Lincoln, NE and Lansing, MI both coming and going. There's a nifty little I…

BookCrossing Site Announcements
Had a chance to promote BC this weekend to romance fans
Re: Had a chance to promote BC this weekend to romance fans
19 yrs ago
I can't recommend the lapel pin highly enough -- it has really caught the attention of folks nearly everywhere I go. I also use it as a tie tack on those rare occasions when I actually wear a tie (gotta love a job that a…

19 yrs ago
| 4 replies
I was one of the library staff organizing and running the Lincoln City Libraries' 2nd annual "Turning the Pages of Romance Conference" yesterday at the Holiday Inn in downtown Lincoln, NE.

Conventions and Meetings
BookCrossing Groups List
NebraskaBookCrossers yahoo group now available
19 yrs ago
| 1 replies
The "organizers" of the Lincoln, NE and Omaha, NE Meetup groups polled their group members and decided to create a statewide group for ALL BookCrossers throughout Nebraska to network and discuss BC-related topics:

20 yrs ago
| 1 replies
Count me [SiDiC] in. While at work, I'm on typical IBM or Dell terminals, but from home I'm accessing via an iMac running OS 9.2 and using either IE 6.0 for Mac or Netscape 7.0 for Mac.
If testing in any of those form…

Feature Requests
friends list/friend of no longer have B/C stats...huh?
Another vote for bringing them back!
20 yrs ago
| 1 replies
Other than the "new members" sort method, I never used anything except the "registered books" method for sorting the list -- I frequently used those statistics for trying to contact the most active local members leading …

21 yrs ago
I'm pleased to announce the launch, today, of Lincoln Nebraska's second Official BookCrossing Zone! The owners of Lincoln's two "The Mill" coffee shops, after being introduced to the concept of BookCrossing, expressed an…

Bookrings, Bookrays, and Bookboxes
LAST CALL for Callahan's Crosstime Saloon 3-vol Bookray
How to contact SiDiC to participate
21 yrs ago
I forgot to mention -- you can either PM me (preferred) or reply to this posting in order to get added to the list of participants!

21 yrs ago
| 1 replies
This is the third and final call for interested parties for a Bookray of the first three books in Spider Robinson's classic "Callahan's Crosstime Saloon" series. It's humorous sf/fantasy with a poignant twist -- each boo…

Bookrings, Bookrays, and Bookboxes
2nd call for "Callahan's Crosstime Saloon" BookRay
re: Good stuff, get in on it!
21 yrs ago
Believe me, my original copies are remaining right where they belong -- enshrined on my permanent bookshelves. These are, indeed, extra copies!

21 yrs ago
| 3 replies
Actually it's for the first THREE books in this popular sf/fantasy series by Spider Robinson -- all travelling together. Alternately serious, witty and sidesplittingly funny, these three books are each collections of int…

21 yrs ago
Ignoring Notbob, who I told about the opening of this site, and who was there dropping off some books of his own within two days, it only took THREE days before a brand-new BookCrosser took something from this OBCZ and j…

21 yrs ago
| 3 replies
It's official. Lincoln now has its first OBCZ, at the Highnooner's sandwich shop downtown at 1414 "O" St.:
Its hours aren't optimal -- 9:00-3:00 Mon-Fri, 11:30-2:30 Sa…

Bookrings, Bookrays, and Bookboxes
Seeking participants for "Callahan's Crosstime Saloon" sci-fi BookRay
21 yrs ago
| 1 replies
Since I'm launching my first OBCZ this coming week, I thought I'd experiment and try initiating my first BookRay as well.
This bookray will include the first three books in the "Callahan's" series by Spider Robinson. …

21 yrs ago
| 3 replies
Ironic that this happened just a few days after we discussed our lack of success in establishing OBCZs at the Omaha Meetup, but...
After months of releasing books one-at-a-time at a favorite little downtown sandwich s…

BookCrossing Site Announcements
Library booksale for Lincoln, Nebraska
Re: Library booksale for Lincoln, Nebraska
21 yrs ago
| 1 replies
Oops...tried to embed the links in the text of my message, but they didn't come through!
Lincoln City Libraries booksale annoucement:
Nebraska State Fair Park schedu…

21 yrs ago
| 3 replies
Just a quick note to the Lincoln/Omaha Nebraska area BookCrossers -- The Lincoln City Libraries' annual booksale dates have been announced: if you …

21 yrs ago
After initially declaring my releases before I left work (my home computer's on the fritz), I discovered that the offices of the 2nd location I planned to release at had been merged with the offices of the first. At leas…

21 yrs ago
| 3 replies
How about movie theaters -- movie novelizations or books that got turned into movies?!