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2601 Forum Posts Found:

wingRochester74wing 2 yrs ago
[[- wenn Ihr mich nicht durch meine lange Abwesenheit aus dem Verein geworfen habt.]] Oh, das selbe hoffe ich für mich auch :-) Ich komme ganz gewiss eines Tages wieder und hoffe bis dahin, dass es Euch gut geht. Liebe…

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago
I will start reading my copy soon. So I can give my opinion :-)

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago | 1 replies
[[After a hint by another bookcrosser *waves to urfin* ;-)]] I got a hint as well from the same direction :-) But I do have my own copy of this book. Have not read it yet.

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago
[[There's an unabridged audiobook that I also loved; don't know if there's an abridged audio version, but if you like audiobooks and aren't quite ready to commit to the full massive tome, that might be something to look …

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago | 2 replies
I just watched the series and liked it a lot. It was on free-tv in germany. Are there big differences to the book? On the one hand it seems to be a book which I might enjoy, on the other hand I cannot stand big books.…

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago
[[Although watched the film for the second time recently and was surprised by the scene at the end after the wedding and credits had rolled - missed that the first time round!]] Yes, that changes the whole story :-)

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago
[[I mean, it was good and worked brilliantly as a story, but not very 'Austen' - we've come to expect big weddings and happy endings!!]] Yes that is true. But I can imagine that Andrew Davies after having written so man…

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago
I read the book about 10 years ago and thought it was amaizingly good und funny. I watched the movie when it was in the cinema and loved it. I knew the story did not stick with the book, but could not remember in detail.…

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago
[[[[Virtuelles Treffen scheitert bei mir an der fehlenden Webcam.]] Och, ist doch mittlerweile alles im Handy drin. [[Und der Bücherstapel wird davon auch nicht kleiner]] *Das* Argument ist allerdings nicht zu entkräf…

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago | 1 replies
Gedanklich bin ich bei Euch. Morgen kann ich nicht, aber ich habe den festen Plan ein Treffen mal wieder möglich zu machen. Bitte gebt eine Rückmeldung zu der Pizzeria oder auch anderen Restaurants im Westerwald, die E…

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago
[[I guess I will start searching my bookshelf to find and reread the book. ]] And I did. The existing 11 chepters to not give that much of a story, but a lot of discription of the characters, except for the one of Sidne…

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago
I was rather disapointed with the 5th season. I do love the first 2 seasons, the third is ok, but now it gets more boring. Whenever the plot gets an intersting turn, it is solved immetiately. Tension and passion is…

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago | 4 replies
Has anybody seen the tv show sanditon? Based on the unfinished novel from Jane Austen. I just finished watching the show which comes in 8 episodes. I am not quite s…

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago
[[oder noch schlimmer: verschiedene Titel ... :-/]] Oh ja, das passiert mir immer mal wieder.

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago
[[You can have weddings with 30 guests so a bookcrosser needs to get married while at the hotel. ]] Go ahead Carol :-) But I would be awfully sorry to miss that!

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago | 5 replies

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago | 4 replies
Ob ich mich auf der Terrasse einer Gaststätte wohl fühle hängt sehr deren Umsetzung der Regel und meinem allgemeinen Eindruck des Ladens ab. Per Ferndiagnose kann ich nicht einschätzen, ob ich mich da wohl fühle. Ich kom…

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago
That is an easy question, of cause it is "Drei Nüsse für Aschenbrödel". It's a czech cinderella story taking place in wintertime. It is running on german television around christmas since I was a little girl. And a lot …

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago
They are discussion the next meet up:

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago
Thank you for your review. I hope a few more might follow when the movie is o DVD or some sreaming available.

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago
[[[[ohne Treffen in der Karawanserei mit Lamm in Rotweinsauce]] Immerhin das Lamm wird sich freuen ;-) ]] Da magst Du wohl recht haben :-D

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago | 7 replies
Hallo ihr Lieben, und wieder ein gerader Monat ohne Treffen in der Karawanserei mit Lamm in Rotweinsauce. Ich hatte kurz überlegt, ob ich Euch in kleiner Runde in meinen Garten einladen sollte oder ob das zu gewagt sei.…

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago | 1 replies
[[[[Erdnussflips und einen Riesling]] Da sieht man, was ein echter Gourmet ist! ;-D]] Hört hört! :-D Da esse ich gerade meinen 42sten Flip, da tauchst Du auf.

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago | 3 replies
[[Ich nehme Bier und Erdnüsse.]] Das ist ne glatte Lüge, das bestelle ich nur digital. Real habe ich Erdnussflips und einen Riesling.

wingRochester74wing 3 yrs ago | 4 replies
[[Nein, Du bist nicht allein! Ich nehme dann mal einen Gin Fizz, den wollte ich schon lange mal wieder trinken und kalorienreiche Erdnüsse dazu. ]] Völlig verspätet renne ich mit meinem Handtuch um die Ecke. Ich nehme B…

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