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Book Search

206 Forum Posts Found:

RedDahlia 1 mo ago
Wow, just wow! I really love all of my presents. If it wasn't for this Secret Santa that I always participate in I wouldn't have much to open On Christmas Day (my husband died at Christmas 3 years ago and have no other…

RedDahlia 1 mo ago
Thank you to my Secret Santa for the parcel that arrived in the post yesterday. I don't know who you are as I do not wish to open it until Christmas Day. I will thank you again over Christmas

RedDahlia 1 yr ago
I received 4 great sounding books: Murder Under The Christmas Tree (short stories) by 'various' Maisie Dobbs by Jaqueline Winspear (yes!!!....a much desired wish list book) Dying In The Woods by Frances Brody - book 1…

RedDahlia 1 yr ago
Thank you Secret Santa UK. My package arrived this morning while I was out. I arrived home to find it on my doorstep. Luckily contents were dry as it had been raining hard all morning. Pressies now around the Christm…

RedDahlia 2 yrs ago | 1 replies
I opened my gifts on Christmas morning and I received: 3 x non-wishlist books but they sound interesting:- My Animals & Other Stories by Clare Balding Beatrix Potter by Linda Lear A Wee Christmas Homicide by Kaitlyn …

RedDahlia 2 yrs ago
Thank you Secret Santa, parcel arrived this morning. I will open on Christmas Day

RedDahlia 3 yrs ago
I love my presents. They were the first and only presents I opened on Christmas Day as I am saving the rest until my husband comes home from hospital. It's been a challenging time lately so this was really great. I re…

RedDahlia 3 yrs ago
My second SS parcel arrived today so I feel very spoilt. I have undone the outer packaging as the first parcel indicated that the gifts inside were wrapped. Parcels now under the tree. Thank you.

RedDahlia 3 yrs ago
Parcel received in the post today. Thank you to whoever you are. It was certainly well packaged! I sent my parcel off several days ago.

RedDahlia 3 yrs ago
Thank you. I won't be able to post until about the 6th as need to wait for the delivery!

RedDahlia 14 yrs ago JO's Boys

RedDahlia 14 yrs ago
1. MAURA'S Game 2. The Other QUEEN 3. The Battle for CHRISTABEL 4.…

RedDahlia 14 yrs ago
Thanks Gory. I have now posted onto the Beta forum and will wait to see if the bug gets fixed before adding anything more.

RedDahlia 14 yrs ago | 5 replies
I have been trying to add to my wishlist by inputting title and author but it won't let me update unless I add the ISBN number even though it clearly states inputting the ISBN is optional! If I leave that column blank i…

RedDahlia 14 yrs ago | 3 replies
I used to be able to add to my wishlist by just inputting the book title and author but it will not let me unless I input the ISBN number even though it clearly states I do not have to do this and I haven't got time to k…

RedDahlia 14 yrs ago | 2 replies
And I suppose Alice the town could have been named after Alice the person although I don't know the history of how it got the name Alice Springs!

RedDahlia 14 yrs ago | 4 replies
I've just finished reading (again) A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute but I'm wondering now whether the book counts as the title relates to a town rather than a person?

RedDahlia 14 yrs ago | 2 replies
Could you give me the link for printing off the labels please? I have tried my old links from last year but they don't work. I just keep getting an error message! Thanks!

RedDahlia 14 yrs ago | 1 replies
Initially I wasn't going to as I didn't want to purchase any more books just for the sake of it but having just checked my bookshelf I have found 10 books with a girl's name in the title (although I may only release 7 of…

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