
Book Search

99 Forum Posts Found:

Kleptokitty 17 yrs ago
A very happy birthday to you. If I'm the lucky winner of your birthday RABCK then I would request The Innocent Man. Thanks!

Kleptokitty 18 yrs ago
But then someone told me that life is too short, and full of other books which are waiting to be enjoyed. I now set myself a 40 page limit, and if I haven't started enjoying it by then I normally abandon it for the next …

Kleptokitty 18 yrs ago
Good going! If I´m the lucky winner of your drawing, I´d love either Monday MOurning or Cross Bones by Kathy Reichs. Best of luck with that last pound :)

Kleptokitty 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
> The kids had great > fun choosing gifts and, I hope, learnt to > appreciate their place in the world a > little more. We'll be doing something similar again this year too. We choose the age range closest to my…

Kleptokitty 18 yrs ago | 2 replies
I've not had a chance to check out the forums for ages as I've not had much net access, & the first time I get on the holiday wishlist is back :-) So much for me only being online for a few minutes, I've been scrolling t…

Kleptokitty 18 yrs ago | 4 replies
Sorry, but reading Thomas the Tank engine out loud sends me to sleep every time!

Kleptokitty 19 yrs ago
If I may enter, I'd like New Passages or perhaps a children's book for my little one age 6 if there's something suitable (I always find it hard to tell the intended age ranges of kid's books so I won't request something …

Kleptokitty 19 yrs ago
Acid Row by Minette Walters. It's about a protest which turns into a riot, following the discovery of a convicted paedophile housed in the midst of the community. I wouldn't have expected to give it such high marks (alth…

Kleptokitty 19 yrs ago
If I could choose a language to miraculously be able to read novels in, it would be Portuguese. If I could read in it, then I'd be able to speak it! At the moment my reading Portuguese is at the stage where I can unde…

Kleptokitty 19 yrs ago
I'd love to join your international list with this book please. Please throw my name in the draw! Happy Christmas.

Kleptokitty 19 yrs ago
I'd love to choose either Grim Pickings (for me) or Now We Are Six (for Kleptokid) if I were the lucky winner please. Happy Christmas!

Kleptokitty 19 yrs ago
I'd love Voyages of Hope if I were to win. Have a great new year celebration!

Kleptokitty 19 yrs ago
We were very kindly RABCKed book one in this series of 5, and my son (Kleptokid) is very keen to read on in the series. If anyone is co-ordinating a Ring for books 2,3,4 or 5, I'd really love to hear from you. Thanks…

Kleptokitty 19 yrs ago
I've received some lovely pony tail holders from someone called Jenn in the US. I'm so sorry, I don't know your BC name to send you a PM to thank you personally. I know I must have replied to a PM & sent you my address, …

Kleptokitty 19 yrs ago
This is a teens book from the same author as Stargirl. It's short & lively and I'd have polished it off in an evening had my other half not insisted that I go to bed. I'd like to share it so if you're interested please d…

Kleptokitty 19 yrs ago
Thanks firstly to Garnetfairy who has sent me some wonderful seeds which I'm really looking forward to planting come spring. You must have been very quick of the mark to get them to me so quickly! Secondly, thanks to …

Kleptokitty 19 yrs ago | 3 replies
Am I imagining that someone had posted looking for these? I'm beginning to think I'm going mad as I can't find the post again. I wrote all the other wishes I thought I could help with down as I went along, but not this o…

Kleptokitty 19 yrs ago
> Have you tried boiling water with baking > soda in it to get the burned on gunk off > your pots/pans? It works really well for > me. I'll give it a go. Thanks! I suppose the best thing to do would be not bu…

Kleptokitty 19 yrs ago | 6 replies
This is a wonderful thread, it's taken me days to read through all the wishes a couple of pages at a time but it's been fun putting together a list of goodies I can send out & Kleptokid is half in love with the lady in t…

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