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1045 Forum Posts Found:

EllyMae58 13 yrs ago
I'd be happy to have some site things changed/fixed first so I enjoy using and being on the website again.

EllyMae58 14 yrs ago | 2 replies
Anyone near zip code 92020 (El Cajon, CA) that wants to come over and take some of my books? I have three boxes full at the moment. I'm slowly going through them and eventually will make them available for postage, bu…

EllyMae58 15 yrs ago | 1 replies
Today I got four automated replies to a message I sent the support team a couple of weeks ago (and has already been resolved). Each one has a different ticket ID. This is the gist of the message: Thank you for conta…

EllyMae58 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
I have quite a few books I stocked up on for this release, but I'm soooo far behind and there is no way I'll get caught up in time to finish this challenge by the end of the year. :( At this point, I just need to get th…

EllyMae58 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
And what's so great about it? I personally don't like it. We all have our preferences. To me, that should be an option, members plus or no members plus. I guess I will just turn it off completely. Thank you.

EllyMae58 16 yrs ago | 3 replies
I don't get release alerts. I like getting the individual journal entries, but I DO NOT like the summary. Do I have to stop getting the individual alerts too just to stop the summary? That's what it sounds like in your p…

EllyMae58 16 yrs ago | 6 replies
There is a link on the email itself, but because the colors and everything are so jacked up, nothing shows up when I click on the link. I checked under my "edit profile" but didn't see anything there to un-sign myself. …

EllyMae58 16 yrs ago
109. WILD West Witches

EllyMae58 16 yrs ago
108. Dick for a Day: What Would You Do If You Had One?

EllyMae58 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
That's two catches for my "Day at the Bay" releases!

EllyMae58 16 yrs ago
103. Don't Pet a Pooch While He's Pooping (CAUGHT!) 104. 50 Ways to Love Your Pet 105.…

EllyMae58 16 yrs ago
101. WILDer Days 102. WILD About a Texan

EllyMae58 16 yrs ago
I love when my releases there are journaled. :)

EllyMae58 16 yrs ago
91. Ride a WILD Pony 92. Peaceful Kingdom: Random Acts of Kindness by Animals 93. Mr. …

EllyMae58 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
I've been forgetting to keep track of these, so not sure how many I've had. I just love her JE!

EllyMae58 16 yrs ago | 20 replies
Yes, I'm on the beta site. That is why I logged out and logged back in, 'cause sometimes that works. I am at work, so I'm using IE, 6 I think.

EllyMae58 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
My birthday is this week, and it would have been nice to have cute little cakes by my name. :) Also, anything that goes along with our major US holidays!

EllyMae58 16 yrs ago | 23 replies
I've logged out, logged in, cleared cookies, everything. I don't know what else to do. Suggestions? I was hoping maybe it was moved, but reviewing the posts above, it doesn't sound like it. I haven't even seen the ne…

EllyMae58 16 yrs ago
89. Gone to Glory 90. Dozer's WILD Adventure

EllyMae58 16 yrs ago
87. Shadows in the Mirror

EllyMae58 16 yrs ago | 14 replies
I just ordered from the store on April 3!!! *hmph*

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