Vote for the 2025 BC Day contest winner... again! New entries added!
Please take a moment to check these great new entries here.


BookCrossing garners more than 440 comments at, topping their list
August 26, 2004

As an update to the ongoing BookCrossing/Lovemark saga, we've been told by their program manager that BookCrossing has received far more positive comments (over 440!) than any o... more »

Original artwork from our 6th-edition bookplates, PLEASE READ US A STORY? by Mary Grace Dembeck, up for auction
August 19, 2004

We're pleased to announce this no reserve eBay auction for Please Read Us a Story? by Mary Grace Dembeck. You may access the 7-day auction with this link:

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10th Edition Artists Series Bookplates, BOOKCROSSING IN TIMES SQUARE by Amy L. Rawson, now shipping
August 19, 2004

We're pleased to announce the immediate availability of our newest Limited Edition Artists Series Bookplate.

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2005 BookCrossing Convention venue set
August 19, 2004
Mark your calendars and start planning now! The second annual BookCrossing Convention has been scheduled for April 14-17, 2005 in Fort Worth, Texas. Get the latest details at http://www.bookcrossing.c... more »
BookCrossing nominated for a Lovemark by Saatchi & Saatchi
August 19, 2004

We're excited to announce that has been nominated for a lovemark, which according to the program sponsor Saatchi ... more »

Kansas City Public Library plans First Annual Teen BookCrossing Party
June 15, 2004
The Central Library of the Kansas City Public Library, 10th and Baltimore St., is holding its first annual teen Bookcrossing party, Saturday, July 17 at 1:30 pm. Visit Central Youth Service’s Bookcrossing profile at http://kc-library-ys.bookcrossing.... more »
Telphonic Communications Offers Low Long-Distance Rates and BookCrossing Rebate
April 30, 2004
BookCrossers can lower their phone bills and help support BookCrossing by taking advantage of a new partnership between and Telphonic Communications. Telphonic, based in San Ramon, California, provides low-cost long distance and inte... more »

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