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From Uppsala, Uppland Sweden
Joined Wednesday, September 6, 2006
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Extended Profile
I'm interested in artificial languages (esp. Klingon), computers, science fiction and---ehh---many other interesting things.

I like books, but I'm quite a slow reader myself (aiming for quality, rather than quantity). I read quite a lot on the 'net (much technical stuff, but lately more and more on and their wikinews & wikibook sites).

Dislike cluttering up my home with stuff, and try not to keep a book that I know I won't use again. (Hence my permanent library consists almost exclusively of literature related to Klingon, reference literature, "Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy", and Hofstadter's "Gödel, Escher, Bach".)

I work at the Uppsala English Bookshop. (So if you want to meet me in person, go there on a Sunday.)

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