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From Reno, Nevada USA
Joined Monday, April 18, 2005
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4 weeks all time
books registered 0 981
released in the wild 0 1,105
controlled releases 0 238
releases caught 0 333
controlled releases caught 0 117
books found 0 390
tell-a-friend referrals 0 114
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forum posts 0 1,158
Extended Profile
Is your Wishlist up-to-date? I've sent out many RABCKs over the last few years and will continue the tradition in 2015. Currently, due to a layoff, I will not being doing as many RABCKs as I usually do.


Books I'm currently reading

1. A Walk Out of the World by Ruth Nichols
First Line: "Once there were a brother and sister, and their names were Tobit and Judith."

I am also registered at Goodreads as Yvensong. Please feel free to befriend me there.
I love doing trades! Please read the descriptions for the various status', then browse my bookshelf and PM me.

Please verify that I have set the following status before PM'ing me.

Available = These books are available for trade and/or postage. I will do International trades on occasion. Also, please read any restrictions I may have added to the JE for the book. Some of these books are either rather large and/or heavy. Please PM me with any questions.
TBR = If you see something on my TBR list that you are interested in reading, please PM me. These may take me a long time to get to, depending on BookRings and BookRays that come to me. I will reserve it for you and let you know when it might be available for trade and/or postage.
Reserved = These books are being reserved for a challenge or for another reader. Please do not ask for them.
Permanent Collection = If you see something on my Permanent Collection shelf AND if you have an established history with me, I may loan the book to you to read. PM me and ask.


Challenges I'm currently participating in:

2010 Chills and Spills Read & Release Challenge started by Jare (13 books read and 13 released - 5 Controlled, 8 Wild)
2010 Keep Them Moving Release Challenge started by guinaveve (10 books read and 10 released)
Personal Challenge for 2010: Read at least 50 books from my TBR (50 books read, 30 Released)

Challenges I've completed:

2009 Chills and Spills Read & Release Challenge started by Jare (25 books read and 24 released - 13 Controlled, 11 Wild)
2009 Keep Them Moving Release Challenge started by guinaveve (23 books read and 22 released)
Personal Challenge for 2009: Read at least 80 books from my TBR (67 books read, 44 Released)
2008 Keep Them Moving Release Challenge started by guinaveve (24 books Read and released)
2008 Chills and Spills Read & Release Challenge started by Jare (29 books read and released, 54 points)
Personal Challenge for 2008: Read at least 80 books from my TBR (58 books read, 37 Released)
To view the Challenges I participated in 2005, 2006 and 2007, please visit my Yvensong's BookCrossing Zone. Defunct link.

Books I've read in 2010:
(Click on titles to see more about the books)

Books I've read in 2009:
(Click on titles to see more about the books)

To see what I read in 2008, please visit" TARGET=_blank> Yvensong's Corridor of Books 2
To see the list of books I read in 2005, 2006 and 2007, please visit my Web Pages dedicated to BookCrossing.
These links are defunct. Will update soon.
BookRings & BookRays I'm currently running:

Bookrings I'm in:

Alfie by Bill Naughton (As I've not heard back from 1ce-Upon-A-Time to return book, I have added another BCr to the Ring)
****** started by 1ce-Upon-A-Time ******

The Vampire Huntress Books by L. A Banks (I've read #3 and sent along)
****** started by honey101

Imperial Ambitions(I've sent along to next person and am added to the end)
***** started by therubycanary *****

BookRings I've completed in 2008(Clickable):


Horror Bookbox (I'm 5th -- This has gone missing for over a year) :(
****** started by gothamgal ******


Bookrays I'm in:

Pimp My Cubicle by Reverend Smoothello G. Debaclous
****started by GoryDetails****
Soul Music by Terry Pratchett (I've read and passed on)
****started by Lottiotta****
Kitty and the Dead Man's Hand by Carrie Vaughn (I've read and sent on)
****started by cathepsut****
Kitty Raises Hell by Carrie Vaughn (I've read and sent on)
****started by cathepsut****
Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett (I've read & handed to the next reader)
****started by Lottiotta****
The Stake by Richard Laymon (I've read & passed on)
****started by Jare****

BookRays I've completed in 2008(Clickable):

I have removed all BookRings and BookRays that I have signed up for that have been stalled or lost for a year or more. If they restart, I will add them here, again.

To view the BookRings/BookRays I participated in 2005, 2006 and 2007, please visit Yvensong's BookCrossing Zone.

Visit my web pages dedicated to BookCrossing:" TARGET=_blank>Yvensong's BookCrossing Zone
Yvensong's BookCrossing Zone - older pages
Currently defunct. Will update link with new address soon.

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